Activism and BDS Beat 26 May 2016

Union bosses, like American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten, are increasingly finding their pro-Israel positions challenged by the rank and file. (AFGE)
Graduate teaching assistants at the University of Wisconsin-Madison this month became the latest unionized workers in the US to vote in favor of a resolution supporting the Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.
Meanwhile a United Auto Workers review board upheld a decision by the union’s national executive to nullify a democratic vote backing BDS by rank and file members in California.
In the Wisconsin ballot, 81 percent of voting members in the Teaching Assistants’ Association that represents 9,000 graduate students backed a resolution calling for divestment from Israeli state institutions and international firms complicit in Israeli military occupation and ongoing violations of Palestinian human rights.
The resolution passed by members of TAA/AFT Local 3220 calls on the University of Wisconsin, its parent union the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO national labor federation to divest.
The TAA Palestine Solidarity Caucus notes in a press release that deteriorating working conditions for educators in the US “are directly related to the rise of spending on militarism and the consequential disinvestment from public universities and the public sector as a whole.”
The union also takes aim at widespread efforts to demonize and criminalize BDS activism, including within the trade union movement where support for Palestinian rights is growing.
TAA is the oldest graduate student labor union in the United States.
Its vote represents a challenge to the leadership of its parent union, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), whose executives have strongly opposed BDS.
As The Electronic Intifada reported last year, AFT President Randi Weingarten has tried to smear BDS by association with violence and terrorism.
Weingarten and other top union officials have used their positions to promote Zionism, albeit in its liberal form, the Israeli state ideology that denies Palestinians their basic rights.
They have also helped Israel whitewash its 2014 assault on Gaza that killed approximately 2,200 Palestinians, including more than 550 children.
AFT leaders have endorsed Hillary Clinton in the US presidential election despite the presumed Democratic nominee’s hawkish support for Israel and justifications of its killings of Palestinians.
Yet the TAA vote is another marker of a shift among rank and file union members.
Last month, graduate student workers at New York University voted to back BDS by a large margin.
Their local union, GSOC-UAW 2110, held a vote despite efforts by executives from the parent union to block a referendum and cancel an election.
A week earlier, the Graduate Employee Organization of UAW Local 2322 (GEO-UAW 2322) adopted a BDS resolution with 95 percent of the votes.
That union represents more than 2,000 graduate student workers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Overturning democracy
In 2014, UAW Local 2865, which currently represents 14,000 graduate student workers at the University of California, became the first US union to join the BDS movement in a landslide vote.
But executives at the parent union, the United Auto Workers, nullified the vote last December.
In a decision issued on 16 May, the UAW’s Public Review Board (PRB) rejected an appeal against the nullification.
The 27-page ruling “to uphold nullification of the BDS vote … is based solely on a thread of anti-democratic thinking that misrepresents basic facts,” the solidarity caucuses of UAW 2865, GEO-UAW 2322 and GSOC-UAW 2110 said in a joint statement.
According to the statement, “[the review board posits] that because the UAW International president signed a letter opposing BDS in 2007 – without any record of discussion or debate among the [International Executive Board], let alone the membership – the international union now holds a position against BDS, and subordinate Locals cannot assert a different position.”
“The [Public Review Board] ignored the clear language of the resolution, which simply called on the UAW [International Executive Board] to change its current position of investment in multinational corporations that enable human rights abuses,” the solidarity caucuses state.
The nullification of the vote represents “an attempted ban on even raising the debate within the UAW,” they add.
A leading Israel lobby group has welcomed the UAW’s decision to overturn a democratic vote.
“We applaud the Public Review Board for declaring that UAW Local 2865 had no authority to subvert the UAW International’s position opposing the BDS movement,” Dean Schramm, the American Jewish Committee’s Los Angeles regional president, said.
Schramm accused union members of promoting “polarizing political propaganda and misinformation promoted by the BDS movement, which seeks to delegitimize Israel’s right to exist.”
In contrast to its opposition to the struggle for Palestinian rights, the UAW strongly supported divestment from apartheid South Africa. In 1978, the union withdrew all its money from banks that made loans there.
It also pulled pension fund investments from firms complicit in human rights abuses in South Africa.
Sea change
The decision to nullify the vote came after UCLA graduate student Stephen Brumbaugh and other members of a small anti-BDS group called Informed Grads filed a complaint.
Informed Grads were represented by Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, an elite law firm with a long record of defending corporate clients, including such union-busting and environment-polluting firms as Chevron and Walmart.
Liz Jackson, an attorney from Palestine Legal, commented, “This mirrors the national trend of suppression: members are voting by democratic majorities to support BDS; but when the upper echelons of the power structure disagree, they frequently resort to shutting down debate from the top.”
“This may work in the short term, but suppression of speech cannot stop a sea change in public opinion,” Jackson added.
That sea change is already happening. As a recent survey by the Pew Research Center found, the base of the Democratic Party is increasingly sympathetic to Palestinian rights, opening up an ever wider gap with establishment leaders like Hillary Clinton.
The support for Palestinian rights is growing most rapidly among Millennials – people born after 1980.
Similar cracks are now starting to show in the trade union movement as well.
“This decision cannot erase the fact that increasing numbers of UAW members stand in solidarity with Palestinian workers,” Local 2865 BDS Caucus member Jennifer Mogannam said, adding that thousands of union members disagree with the position on BDS stated by the UAW president almost a decade ago.
Union leaders “cannot just reach into a dusty file cabinet to shut down the growing number of members who want to discuss and change the union’s position on BDS,” Mogannam added.
“Already, the clear will of the membership of three UAW locals is to support our Palestinian counterparts, including workers and broader society, in their struggle against racism, dispossession and apartheid,” said Joe Keady, a rank and file member of GEO-UAW 2322.
“Despite the attempts of top-down … officials to crush our union democracy, the tide of rank and-file support is against them,” Keady added. “We will work hard to implement the will of our members until Palestinians have won justice, freedom and equality.”
- Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- TAA/AFT Local 3220
- Randi Weingarten
- American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
- Hillary Clinton
- 2016 US presidential election
- New York University
- GSOC-UAW Local 2110
- GEO-UAW Local 2322
- UAW 2865
- American Jewish Committee
- Dean Schramm
- Liz Jackson
- Palestine Legal
- Stephen Brumbaugh
- Informed Grads
- Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
- trade unions
- trade union activism
Permalink Peter Loeb replied on
In short, this is a picture of the suppression of free expression of
the realities of oppression by Israel & the USA.
On one level, the issue is how we intend to deal with it.
Will our advocacy organizations take this lying down?
Will the Democrats or the Republicans survive.
(Elites have managed to mislead labor in the past
such as with NAFTA and we submitted to the powers that
be. For crumbs. Another Clinton, once US President
and now everyone's "darling"---???---) joined with
adversaries of labor to defeat labor...
And still minorities look to Clintons for "leadership",
a wonderful time when Americans were employed
in weapons factories to make killing machines for use
against those of darker color. Those were wonderful times!!
In short, we should all realize that beyond these
particular issues, this is the age that is upon
---Peter Loeb, Boston, MA, USA