Belén Fernández takes The New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman to task in this excerpt from her new book, The Imperial Messenger: Thomas Friedman at Work.Read more about Thomas Friedman's bouts of hypocrisy
In an op-ed published by Al Jazeera English today, I write about the US government’s attempts to criminalize the Palestine solidarity activists — including the State Department’s threats to prosecute activists involved with the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. I also appeared on Al Jazeera English’s The Stream today to discuss FBI raids and subpoenas targeting activists. Read more about US government moves to criminalize Palestine solidarity
Victor Kattan argues that UN membership for a State of Palestine would be a strategic asset to the Palestinian struggle for self-determination, although there are risks involved. Read more about The case for UN recognition of Palestine
A photo published by The New York Times depicts an undercover Israeli agent, dressed as a Palestinian civilian, being loaded into an Israeli police vehicle after “helping detain a Palestinian protester” during today’s Nakba anniversary protest at Qalandiya checkpoint between Ramallah and Bethlehem. Read more about Photo: Gun-toting Israeli soldier disguised as Palestinian woman