Israeli settler chief Dani Dayan seems to be the New York Times man of the month. First an OpEd and now aspotlight interview with Jodi Rudoren, who writes more like a fan than a journalist. Read more about Turning Palestinian water into Jewish wine or When Jodi met Dani
The Electronic Intifada contributor Asa Winstanley examines who is behind escalating cyberwar in the Middle East. Read more about Cyberwarfare: US, Israel's electronic attacks on Iran and Palestinians
Financed by oil and mining firms that propped up white minority rule in South Africa, it’s no surprise that the International Crisis Group’s latest article fails to describe Israel as an apartheid state. Read more about International Crisis Group: craving approval from a blood-soaked elite
It has been two months since the latest serious allegations of a conflict of interest at The New York Times Jerusalem Bureau, but no one at the newspaper has yet addressed them. Read more about When will The New York Times address the ongoing ethical problem at its Jerusalem bureau?
Watch a film that tells the story of Israel’s systematic looting of tens of thousands of books and other cultural treasures during the Nakba, the 1948 expulsion of the Palestinian people. Read more about Watch: The Great Book Robbery, Israel's 1948 looting of Palestine's cultural heritage
Amnesty International today issued a call for Urgent Action from individuals around the world to contact Israeli authorities about Bilal Diab and Thaer Halahleh, two Palestinians men who are at immediate risk of death on their 67th day of hunger strike. Read more about Take action now: Amnesty issues urgent alert for Palestine hunger strikers who are near death
One hundred and forty-eight US college professors signed a letter objecting to an advertisement in The New York Times by notorious racist David Horowitz naming indvidual faculty members at several US colleges and accusing them of inciting murder of Jewish children, and likening the movement to boycott Israel (BDS) to Nazism. Read more about 148 professors sign letter objecting to New York Times Nazi ad, but paper refuses to run it
In a sign of growing desperation among anti-Palestinian groups, a full-page New York Times ad published today likens the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement to the Holocaust. Read more about New York Times ad accuses BDS movement, college professors of inciting murder of Jewish children
American actress and comedian Roseanne Barr and former Obama administration State Department official Anne-Marie Slaugher are among the latest people to join criticism of Israel’s use of administrative detentions of Palestinians highlighted by the 65 day hunger strike of Khader Adnan as global attention, solidarity grow. Read more about Roseanne Barr and former Obama official join criticism of Israel as Khader Adnan on day 65 of hunger strike
Bilin is being used to test new Israeli weapons but the villagers keep protesting. Read more about Memo to New York Times: the spirit of Gandhi is alive in Palestine