When I heard that Israeli Sergeant Benjamin Anthony would be speaking at DePaul University in Chicago yesterday, I had one question for him: why did its army torture my friend? Read more about Asking Israel why it tortured my friend
Since the story of the Labour party students officers who took an all-expenses-paid trip to Israel and its illegal West Bank settlements broke last week, they have been coming under increasing pressure from student activists.
But strong evidence has now emerged the delegation spent a night clubbing in Tel Aviv with a spokesperson for the the Israeli occupation army in the West Bank. Read more about Israeli propaganda officer boasted of taking UK Labour Students partying in Tel Aviv, deletes Tweet
A member of the UK’s National Union of Students Executive Council has denounced several youth and student officers from the opposition Labour Party for taking part in an all-expenses-paid tour of Israel and its illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank. The Labour students delegation met with Captain Barak Raz, an Israeli army spokesperson and other Israeli officials. Read more about UK Labour Party student officials face backlash over free tour of Israel, settlements