In a recent op-ed, the New York Times’ Thomas Friedman smugly offers the Palestinians how to settle their “conflict” with Israel: accept the settlements and the violent settlers, give up a large part of East Jerusalem, and forget about the refugees’ right of return. Read more about Tom Friedman's latest advice to Palestinians: accept a farce of a state
The Palestinian Natsheh family was evicted from their home in Beit Hanina. It is the first eviction in the Palestinian neighborhood in the north of occupied East Jerusalem. The land will be used to build 50 apartments for settlers. Read more about First forced eviction of Palestinian family in Jerusalem's Beit Hanina to make way for Jewish settlers
The Jewish Agency, a quasi-official arm of the Israel government that encourages settlement in Palestine, and the Israeli government itself, are taking advantage of US and UK charity laws to raise tax-exempt donations specifically to place settlers in Syria’s occupied Golan Heights, all in violation of international law. Read more about Israel agency raises tax-exempt US, UK funds to put settlers in occupied Golan Heights, northern Palestine
Surrounded on all sides by an Israeli settlement, a fence, walls and gates, the Gharib family’s situation is one of the most extreme and unsettling cases highlighting the effects of Israel’s illegal settlement building in the West Bank. Gharib died just days after this interview. Read more about "I will never give up our house": Sabri Gharib kept promise to resist Israeli settlement until his final day
Sheerin al-Araj, a resident of al-Walaja village, is fighting tooth and nail against Israel’s encroaching settlement projects and the wall, which both continue to rapidly confiscate more village land. Read more about "Present absentee" keeps fighting against Israel's wall in al-Walaja
In his new book, The Crisis of Zionism , Peter Beinart stops well short of accepting a Palestinian right of return or repudiating the idea that Jews are sovereign in a state where fully a fifth of its citizens are non-Jews. Read more about Israeli democracy was dead on arrival: Peter Beinart's "Crisis of Zionism" reviewed
Gaza families whose homes were destroyed in Israeli attacks can’t rebuild until Israel allows a sufficient quantity of building material into Gaza. Read more about Gaza family awaits new home, 9 years after demolition by Israel
Zionists and their supporters control large chunks of the media in the EU’s three largest countries. Read more about What the Günter Grass controversy says about censorship in Europe
At least 500 Palestinians face total electricity cuts after Israel issued stop-work orders on solar panel and wind turbine systems in the South Hebron Hills, while illegal settlements in the area are provided with electricity and water. Read more about Israel threatens to demolish German-funded solar energy systems in West Bank
A new multidisciplinary project examines how Israeli settlements, a burgeoning neoliberal economy and loss of traditional heritage is quickly transforming Palestine’s landscapes and public spaces. Read more about Transformation of Palestinian landscape focus of Designing Civic Encounter project