Yesterday, I published a piece in Al-Akhbar English about the twitter campaign to get more people to learn about and support khader Adnan’s hunger strike. Last night, hashtag #HungerStrikingfor65days was the strongest hashtag yet, thousands tweeted using that hashtag and it remained #1 globally trending topic for over an hour. Twitter has got millions of people to pay attention to Khader Adnan’s case online. Read my piece below for more on this virtual protest. Read more about Khader Adnan, a Globally Trending Topic on Twitter
Bobby Sands died on 5 May 1981, aged 27, after 66 days on hunger strike against British refusal to grant political status to him and other Irish republican prisoners. Today, as Khader Adnan is on his 65th day of hunger strike, the Secretary of the Bobby Sands Trust, Danny Morrison, called on the Israeli government to immediately release Adnan, who is close to death. Read more about Bobby Sands' spokesman, close friend calls on Israel to immediately release Khader Adnan
I have heard of Israel’s “men of peace” and “democracy” from the news since I was a child. I, however, have never felt or seen anything that could relate to such false, and indeed, useless allegations. As I write this, Gaza drowns in darkness. I write as a frenzied power generator roars upstairs causing not only an irritating noise but further damage to the environment too. Read more about If not the governments, people around the world do speak: protect Khader Adnan
Raymond McCartney, the former Irish hunger striker and current Member of Northern Ireland’s Legislative Assembly for Sinn Féin is the latest from Ireland to send a message of solidarity to Palestinian political prisoner Khader Adnan, who is entering his 63rd day of hunger strike protesting administrative detention, a policy started by the British and which is illegal under international law. Read more about Video: Raymond McCartney, former Irish hunger striker in message of support to Khader Adnan
In a few hours, Khader Adnan will enter his 56th day of hunger strike. As international solidarity grows, the international media’s silence on his case is deafening. Below is how Al Jazeera English reacted to the simple question of “Why isn’t Khader Adnan getting more coverage?” Read more about Al Jazeera English Doesn't Care About Khader Adnan