The Israeli Prison Service has transferred about 80 political prisoners from Gilboa prison section 4 to Nafha prison in the Naqab located in the sotuh of Israel. The transfer follows a recent solidarity hunger strike undertaken by the prisoners. Addameer’s Sahar Francis comments that the practice of transferring political prisoners is often used by Israel to repress organizing amongst Palestinian prisoners. Read more about Israel punishes hunger striking prisoners by transferring them to other end of country
Visualizing Palesine is new project whose website is yet to fully launch but already they have used their Twitter account to release this amazing graphic. It combines a history of hunger strikes around the world with a factual illustration of what Palestinian political prisoner Khader Adnan must have been going through since he started the 66-day hunger strike that concluded yesterday after a deal to release him in April was reached. Read more about Visualizing Palestine debuts with stunning graphic illustrating context of Khader Adnan's hunger strike