Lobby Watch 12 July 2019

Ghassan Kanafani at his Beirut office. (Assafir)
Under pressure from Israel lobby groups, a Canadian church canceled an event celebrating a scholarship award in honor of the iconic Palestinian writer Ghassan Kanafani.
The event, organized by the US-based Palestinian Youth Movement, was scheduled to be held at Trinity St. Paul’s United Church in Toronto on 13 July.
Kanafani, a communist, intellectual and novelist, was a spokesperson for the Marxist-Leninist PFLP party. He was murdered by an Israeli Mossad car bomb in Lebanon in July 1972.
Along with the extremist Jewish Defense League, which has a long history of violent threats, racism and harassment against Palestinian activists in Canada, Israel advocacy group B’nai Brith Canada bragged about its role in the cancellation and smeared Kanafani as a “terrorist.”
B’nai Brith said it would “continue to investigate” PYM’s scholarship program and threatened that it will “take all possible steps to thwart it.”
The church said the event was “inconsistent” with its policy and canceled the booking.
Its spiritual leader, Reverend Cheri DiNovo – a former politician – stated she “unequivocally supports the cancellation of the event.”
DiNovo indicated she would meet with B’nai Brith and other Jewish communal groups in August, after returning from her vacation in South Africa.
Activists slammed the church’s decision while others pointed out the irony of DiNovo’s denunciation of South Africa’s apartheid history while capitulating to anti-Palestinian organizations that support Israel’s apartheid system:
As Yves Engler, an activist and contributor to The Electronic Intifada notes, DiNovo has regularly appeared at events hosted by the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center, even attending the right-wing organization’s 2015 presentation on combating the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights.She supported a 2010 resolution condemning Israeli Apartheid Week, a global series of events meant to draw attention to Israel’s systematic policies of racism, discrimination and occupation.
Following the unanimous vote in favor of the resolution, DiNovo told the Toronto Star that the word apartheid is “inflammatory” and claimed it is “particularly used inappropriately in the case of Israel.”
Organizers with the Palestinian Youth Movement stated on 9 July that “the desperation that leads Zionist organizations and individuals to continuously challenge even the most modest attempts to promote the struggle and stories of the Palestinian people should be taken as a sign of just how powerful our words and stories really are.”
The group says it has found another venue for the event.
Zionist Lobby
Permalink Gennaro Pasquale replied on
Thank you Electronic Intifada and Nora for all you do in support of the Palestinian People. Theodore Roosevelt said "FIGHTING FOR THE RIGHT IS THE GREATEST SPORT THE WORLD AFFORDS"'
But for the Palestinians its no sport.
All bow to Israel
Permalink Occams replied on
Amazing. Murder, genocide, torture......but all must bow
false politics
Permalink Eric replied on
When DiNovo "supported a 2010 resolution condemning Israeli Apartheid Week" (which originated in Toronto), the resolution was in the Ontario legislature and she was representing the provincial New Democratic Party. Despite some pretensions to being progressive, the NDP and other mainstream parties resolutely support Israel. Quite a few of her constituents were appalled.
Under pressure from Zionists, church cancels Palestinian youth e
Permalink First Name Franco Crazzi replied on
You call you're self's a Church ? What kind of Church are Yous ? ? Just a bunch of THIEFS and PROPAGANDISTS . . . . . Shame on you for calling you're self's Church , SHAME
Kanafani - a writer to read ! - formal cancellation
Permalink Carol Scheller replied on
What a pity. But this foolish decision will only increase interest in his works.
NDP 'Spirtual Leader' DiNovo
Permalink John Gilberts replied on
DiNovo is the epitome of the faux 'progressive', collaborationist nature of much of Canadian liberalism. She was also well known for her unqualified support for Right Sector and Ukrainian fascism. No surprise she apparently now speaks for god in heaven as well.