Lobby Watch 26 November 2015

A tribute to those killed by Islamic State during its attack on the Bataclan concert venue in Paris. (Roberto Maldeno/Flickr)
These are busy days for the Brussels-based “terrorism expert” Claude Moniquet. Ever since it emerged that a few men from Belgium took part in the recent attacks on Paris, his “analysis” has been much in demand by the media.
Any time I have seen Moniquet on TV lately, he has always been given softball treatment by his interviewers. As a result, he is presented as an earnest figure who has amassed considerable knowledge on extremism both through his past career with the French external intelligence agency and his subsequent research. Viewers are never told that this “terrorism expert” has applauded atrocities perpetrated by Israel.
In 2004, Moniquet described Israel’s assassination of Ahmed Yassin, a founding member of Hamas, as “good news.” Yassin was 66 years old and paralyzed from the waist down.
Seven other Palestinians were killed in the Hellfire missile attack on Yassin. According to Amnesty International, Israel’s actions violated international law.

Claude Moniquet
Moniquet has worked closely with some of Israel’s most dedicated apologists in Brussels.
He has long been a member of a “think tank” called the Atlantis Institute, founded by Joël Rubinfeld.
A veteran lobbyist, Rubinfeld has strived to bolster Belgium’s relationship with Israel.
That relationship was strained in the early years of this century as Ariel Sharon, then Israel’s prime minister, was sued in Belgium over massacres in Palestinian refugee camps during Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon.
Under pressure from Israel and its supporters, Belgium soon diluted its “universal jurisdiction” law to shield Sharon and other war criminals from prosecution.
Parroting propaganda
Moniquet heads the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center. One of his former employees at this “terrorism” watchdog is Dimitri Dombret, with whom Moniquet has written a paper on the “threat” posed by Iran.
A former secretary-general with the lobby group European Friends of Israel, Dombret now runs his own consultancy firm. Its main client in recent years was Teva, an Israeli drugs-maker.
The website for Moniquet’s center lists “lobbying” as one of its activities. While I was undertaking a research project about Israel’s supporters in Brussels last year, Moniquet told me that neither the Israeli government nor any Israeli company was paying his center for advice.
Nonetheless, Moniquet has been known to parrot Israeli propaganda.
During Operation Cast Lead — Israel’s invasion and bombardment of Gaza in late 2008 and 2009 — he called Palestine solidarity activists “pathetic.” In an opinion piece, he accused those who protested against Israel of “selective indignation,” asking why they were not so exercised about human rights abuses in Cuba, Iran, Sudan, Congo and Zimbabwe.
Conveniently, he overlooked two salient facts: Israel has much stronger political and commercial ties to the West than the countries he listed and many of the protesters he dubbed “pathetic” were calling out their own governments as accomplices to Israel’s crimes.
Defying logic
Moniquet cannot be regarded as an expert on terrorism in any real sense.
A genuine expert would help us understand how Islamic State emerged. They would take us through the history of Western meddling in the Middle East that spawned this monstrous organization.
They would join the dots between the 1916 Sykes-Picot accord (a secret deal to carve up the Middle East between Britain and France), the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq, the ongoing civil war in Syria and the deadly machinations of the Saudi elite.
Rather than offering the kind of incisive commentary that is so sorely needed, Moniquet reinforces stereotypes. He has, for example, helped to stigmatize the entire community living in the Brussels district of Molenbeek based on how a small number of extremists have lived there.
In a weekend appearance on France TV, Moniquet distorted the truth. In his warped mind, an effort by the local authority in Molenbeek to make its Muslim inhabitants feel welcome was transformed into a “tacit pact” with “Islamists.”
Such rhetoric closely resembles that of Belgium’s right-wing politicians trying to capitalize on the Paris attacks.
Moniquet has also been known to defy logic. Not long before the Paris attacks, he wrote about how those involved in recent acts of extremist violence in Europe were already known to the police. Yet rather than making the case for greater scrutiny of known extremists, he praised France’s introduction of “massive digital surveillance.”
Although Moniquet indicated that the new surveillance rules would be used to keep an eye on suspects, their breadth represents a clear erosion of civil liberties.
Despite the patently dubious quality of his analysis, Moniquet is able to charge money for his services. Last year, he told me that his center’s annual budget is between €1 million and €1.5 million and its clients include police agencies and foreign ministries.
Will his recent media appearances help him drum up more business? I fear that they might.
- Brussels
- Claude Moniquet
- Paris
- Belgium
- France
- Ahmed Yassin
- Hamas
- Amnesty International
- Atlantis Institute
- Joel Rubinfeld
- Ariel Sharon
- Lebanon
- European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center
- Dimitri Dombret
- European Friends of Israel
- Teva
- Operation Cast Lead
- Iran
- Cuba
- Sudan
- Congo
- Zimbabwe
- Islamic State
- Sykes-Picot agreement
- Iraq
- Saudi Arabia
- Syria
- Molenbeek
Permalink Peter Loeb replied on
I find it particularly noteworthy that no reader has a
word to say on this article.
Perhaps it is because our American media does exactly
the same and most of us accept it. We have all been
"housetrained" by the Israeli "experts" on our media
and throughout our own society. It is the "new normal".
But let a labor confederation support the boycott of Israel
(Connecticut) and freedom of speech and tolerance go out
the window.
As Netanyahu recently said, "There can be no negotiating
for peace with terrorists."
Israel are the terrorists. And America again and again
asserts its "rights" to protect its state terror and oppression.
----Peter Loeb, Boston, MA, USA
point well taken
Permalink Michael Lesher replied on
I have not seen any interviews with Moniquet. This article, however, comes as a timely warning. Once again, Western media are quietly advancing the career of a propagandist and warmonger.