Rights and Accountability 4 October 2015
Amid increasing violence in occupied Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank, Israeli forces executed a Palestinian youth in cold blood early on Sunday morning.
Israeli forces have declared that the Old City of Jerusalem will be open only to Jews and foreign tourists for the next 48 hours. No Palestinians except residents will be allowed in.
In a further escalation, Naftali Bennett, the Israeli education minister who openly boasts about how many Arabs he has killed, announced he plans to spend Sunday night’s Jewish holiday of Simhat Torah in the Old City.
Bennett heads the Habeyit Hayehudi (Jewish Home) party whose senior member, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, has openly called for genocide of Palestinians.

Fadi Samir Alloun in an undated image posted on Facebook.
Israeli authorities claimed that 19-year-old Fadi Samir Alloun was killed after a stabbing attack that wounded an Israeli teenager. They presented no evidence connecting Alloun to the alleged stabbing.
But videos posted online show that the youth was executed in cold blood as he was chased by a mob of Israeli Jews baying for his blood.
As the video above begins, voices can be heard in Hebrew shouting – apparently at police – “Shoot him! He’s a terrorist! Shoot him!” and “Don’t wait! Shoot him!”
Alloun can be seen backing away from the mob, along the tracks of the Jerusalem Light Rail.
The lights of a police car can then be seen and the sound of seven gunshots heard. Alloun falls to the ground. At no time in the video was he any threat to anyone.
Wattan TV says the killing occurred in the Musrara area, just outside the walls of the Old City, near the Damascus Gate.
Kill first, ask questions later
A police officer – apparently the shooter – can be seen approaching Alloun. Meanwhile celebratory voices are heard shouting “Yes! Yes! Son of a bitch!” and “Wow!” and “He’s an Arab!”
“Death to the Arabs!” others shout.
A police officer then asks, “Where are the injured?” This suggests that the police shot first and only asked questions afterwards.
It was a cold-blooded execution at the behest of a lynch mob.
This is confirmed by this second video of the same incident published by Alkhaleej Online.It shows the mob clearly inciting for Alloun to be killed as they chase him. The Palestinian youth is trying to escape.
After police shoot him dead, an officer can be heard asking one of the mob, “Did he stab anyone?”
The Israeli youth answers that Alloun did not. While details about the alleged stabbing – and whether Alloun had anything to do with it – are disputed, what is in no doubt is what is visible in the video: he was shot dead in cold blood when he presented no threat to anyone by police who were answering to a mob.
Beautiful voice
Friends and family told the Quds news site that Alloun was gifted with a beautiful singing voice.
He often gave the call to prayer from the Martrys Mosque in the Jerusalem village of Issawiyeh.
Alloun’s family had long been victims of Israel’s occupation policies in Jerusalem. According to Quds, his mother had been a permit to return to Jerusalem from Jordan, where she had gone after her father died. Israel refused to allow the family to reunite, meaning Fadi and his father lived in Jerusalem, while his mother and brother Muhammad remained in Jordan.
Friends said Alloun was a sensitive and quiet person who never showed anger toward anyone.
The execution of Alloun comes as Israel escalates its violent attacks on Palestinians in the wake of recent killings of settlers in Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank.
On Thursday, two settlers were killed in a drive-by shooting in the occupied West Bank.
On Saturday, 19-year-old Palestinian Muhannad Halabi fatally stabbed two Israelis in the Old City of Jerusalem. Nehamia Lavi, 41, was a rabbi in the Israeli army and Aaron Benita, 21, was a combat soldier. Lavi lived in occupied East Jerusalem and Bennett in the West Bank settlement of Beitar Illit.
Palestinian and Israeli media have reported a sharp escalation in attacks on Palestinians and their property across the West Bank by Israeli occupation forces and settlers in recent days.
The Palestine Red Crescent Society declared a “state of emergency” on Sunday throughout the West Bank following the upsurge of attacks by Israeli soldiers and settlers.
The society said it had faced 14 attacks against its medical staff and ambulances over the past 72 hours. It told Ma’an News Agency that 96 Palestinians had been injured by Israeli live fire, rubber-coated steel bullets and other weapons between Saturday and Sunday evenings.
In Burin village, in the northern West Bank, Palestinians had to defend their homes after Israeli settlers set fire to trees and plants in the village and threw stones and bottles at residents, Ma’an News Agency reported.
Palestinians have attempted to prevent the entry of Israeli occupation forces into the village of Surda, near Ramallah, in order to destroy the Halabi family home.Soldiers attacked Palestinians attempting to protect the home, with teargas and stun grenades.
According to Israel’s Haaretz they interrogated Halabi’s father and searched and removed the contents of the house in preparation to destroy it.
Summary home destruction is a form of collective punishment, illegal under international law, that Israel only applies to Palestinians.
Hospital kidnapping
Nowhere has been safe. Early Sunday, a group of undercover Israeli agents entered the al-Arabi hospital in Nablus, disguised as Palestinians escorting a patient, and kidnapped another patient, 23-year-old Karam al-Masri, at gunpoint.
Masri, an engineer, had been admitted to the hospital two days earlier, according to Ma’an News Agency.
The Israeli agents also reportedly disabled the hospital’s security cameras.
As I wrote Friday, violence was certain to escalate as long as Israel’s regime of occupation and colonization remains unchallenged.
Due to the seemingly endless international patience with Israel’s occupation, the situation is certain to deteriorate further.
Seeking police help
Permalink Peter replied on
From the videos it appears that the terrified young man was walking towards the police... probably seeking refuge from the terrorist mob. Tragic.
He is clearly running away
Permalink Chamanit replied on
He is clearly running away from the police.
The Zio-Klan Rears Its Ugly Head Once Again
Permalink Zionism Is Not Judaism replied on
The lynch mob's methods may be different, but it is lynching none the less.
Some photos from Jim Crow days.
Zionism Must End. It is racist and it is wrong.
The Quentessence of Man
Permalink David B. replied on
--a paragon of animals...is still an animal; and those who refuse their heart the indignity of knowing what it means to have an enemy are reminded in every moment what it means to be considered the enemy of another.
The last thing he saw--a pair of hateful eyes--a crowd of hateful eyes.
Here is a deafening silence. Right here, lying still on the ground. And Fadi has been made more deafening in his silence by the accompaniment of bulldozers, engines roaring like accouterments in a Tchaikovskian hyperbole, a cacophonous coda of his soul's dirge. His soul's dirge, dissipative on a concrete slab of roadway like a smoking ember, and then like smoke without a flame. Fadi has been the prayer we all hide from. The one we mean when we pray for peace. This is the secret of an ember, a life, as Aish Tamid.
When will we love our children more than a 'settlement', Miss Meir?
The last breath, the bulldozer, the cracking wood and stone of a family's home as it, too, falls below the gaze of hateful eyes.
In the book of Thomas, Fadi, I read "Lift up a stone and I am there, split a piece of wood and you will find me." And your body on the concrete in the cool evening, under the banal glow of street lamps contrasted by the crime of diminishment perpetrated through glaring, hateful, egregiously curious eyes--it, this scene, haunts the moment the bulldozer splits the support beam of your home--and the belated metaphor is an echo of your staggering collapse. Man's criminality is an undamped system.
Am I become a pair of hateful eyes? Ayin Hara, destroyer of worlds?
Fadi Alloun, HY''D, ZK''L, Akhi.
Israel is the terrorist state.
Permalink Kelly replied on
All you have to do is learn about Rachel Corrie, James Miller, and Tom Hurndall. Their stories are well known in the UK and Europe. Documentaries have even won Emmies there. Israel is expansionist and genocidal. The US support of this is destroying any respect we had left world wide.
Israeli border policeman killing an unarmed Palestinian teenager
Permalink Yesh Prabhu replied on
The second video is much more horrifying to watch. I felt a shiver as I watched it. These two videos are too painful and too shocking to watch, and they meet the definition of “shot in cold blood”. As the world can now see, this Palestinian teenager posed no threat to anyone. He was unarmed. He was only trying to get away from the Jewish thugs wearing prayer shawls and skull caps, and who were urging the border police to shoot him. So, the bloody Israeli hoodlums dressed in the IDF garb are at it again: Killing unarmed Palestinians in the prime of their life. How many videos like this have I watched? I have lost count. This video is one more evidence, if more video evidence is needed at all, that these Israeli soldiers are bloody murderers. Why is the ICC taking so long to indict the leaders of these IDF soldiers and border police for their war crimes committed in the Gaza War? Why is the world watching in silence as Israel perpetrates such horrendous atrocities as this? And why are these politicians: Obama, Cameron, and Hollande standing by Israel even now after witnessing so many horrors perpetrated by these mad Zionists in occupied Palestine? And equally important, now that thjs crime has been recorded in these videos, will the Israeli government investigate this horrific incident? And will they take action against the policeman who killed this teenager in cold blood?
Yesh Prabhu, Bushkill, Pennsylvania
Any life lost is part of God
Permalink Karina replied on
Any life lost is part of God destroyed. Only He can give life and only He can take life. Whether it is Arab, Jew or other. We, as humans, have to respect life. But my concern is: When a jewish family is attacked and another jew dies from stabbing, Oh! The outrage!!! BUT when a Palestinian family home was deliberately burned to kill the occupants of that house, of which a BABY was burned to death and within days the parents also died of burns, Where was the outrage!!! If God had wanted to give the land to the jews then all He had to do was say "be" and it would: as he had done at the beginning. Every person on earth is accountable for his/her deeds or misdeeds in this world. What face do you show your maker when you live your whole life in hypocrisy?
where has there been such
Permalink henry lesnick replied on
where has there been such public display and boasting of racist barbarity? these monsterous zionist mobs rival the gleeful white supremacist celebrants of the weekend lynchings in American town squares.
Where indeed?
Permalink David B. replied on
Where else? Earth.
The choice to be evil is not born out of a reasoned or even unreasonable dislike of the good. Even at its worst; it is, in the end, a pragmatic choice. An internally justified choice. A choice our egos demand to be necessary, and our diffidence demands others to accept as necessary. Evil always boasts--and this kind of evil boasts in all kinds of places every day. Evil must boast, must proclaim, must scream, delighted--its very existence is based on its appeal to our rational mind, to our ability to rationalize all of its terrible "necessities."
Most of us aren't actually good, we've just acclimated to the evil we know--we have acculturated indifference, we navigate and perpetuate the aggressiveness of cultural space, of our particular geometry of hell--and some of us, like unrepentant sadists, even kill for the ability to navigate a few centimeters more. Because we 'need' land, because we 'have to' access resources, because 'G-d gave it to us', because we can find a reason and a captive audience which agrees to agree that our evil is the only rational choice.
Where else? In my heart--for one.
Witch's brew
Permalink Anthony Shaker replied on
Netanyahu has just declared Israel's war against the Palestinians to be a war "to the death." I hope every so-called "Arab" country and UN member now understands the genocidal nature of this conflict.
There is little doubt that the Western alliance is listening to Netanyahu's every word. No one will be able to look away or stand idly by when what is about to happen happens. Israel is bent on destroying the last remnants of Palestinian society, because this is the only path left it imagines would ensure its survival as a Jewish-only state. It has no real economy, it is militarily paralyzed, and it enjoys very thin diplomatic cover. Therefore, it has to destroy both the Palestinian people and every other state around just to create the conditions for its "survival." The most it can hope from its main backer, the US, will likely be little more than words of comfort. Not because the US is so guilt-ridden, but because it too is paralyzed and pretty well washed up in the region.
Having demanded the destruction of Syria in its war against Iran, this vile Zionist race colony has instead crashed into a wall. But by burning its bridges it has made certain that it has no future.
Let there now be no doubt in the US, Britain and France who created "Israel" about one abiding fact since 1948: a Jewish-only apartheid state will never be admitted into the community of nations or find root in Palestine. Seventy years have failed to achieve it. Every person of conscience understands that Israel was doomed the moment it declared itself a "Jewish homeland" on the pretext of a biblical forgery and on the ruins of another people.
Netanyahu has no idea what he and his colony's genocidal leadership in Israel have brewed for their outlaw state. This is no longer the early 1900s, when the Zionist movement was still laying the groundwork for its future state, using wealth extorted from European governments and the American people to push the world toward this outcome.
Permalink saleem yousaf replied on
i live in the UK no nothing is shown by the BBC,the BBC has always been pro-Izraeli.The world needs to know about the genocidal policies of the Izraeli government
The Western world is complicit in its silence because Izrael a Western ally
It has been widely reported
Permalink Awami replied on
It has been widely reported that a stabbing of an Israeli Jew took place at the time and the crowd were chasing him because he did it. You mourn his death, but do not even mention the death of the 15 year old boy. Your shame knows no bounds. Why do you deceive your readers? You are only making them more foolish.
The reported stabbing is
Permalink Ali Abunimah replied on
The reported stabbing is mentioned in the article and the victim did not die. You obviously did not bother to read the article. That said, there is absolutely no evidence connecting Fadi Alloun, who was extrajudicially murdered in front of at least two cameras, with that alleged stabbing.
A Further Point
Permalink David B. replied on
1) Even if it was him, he was not a direct threat at the time he was shot and should have therefore been apprehended.
a) According to any civilized system of laws
b) According to Halachah (From Talmud we have that if we see a man chasing another with murderous intent we try to go for the kneecaps--so that after his wrongful attempt to exact vengence has abated, law can find justice for the pursuer and the pursued). My monstrous brothers who flaunt their dove-white tzitzits have only a makkif reverence for what they represent. We are gollum, we are k'lipoth in circumcised but soulless shells of flesh.
c) I would hope that even gollum, spending all those days learning whatever yeshivish spracht they learn to hide their innate darkness, learned also a little Perkei Avos--"Be as disciples of Aharon, seek peace and pursue it." As Rabbi Natan comments "Seek peace (for yourself) and pursue it (meaning go out of your way to find peace for all others). How much more 'other' can a Jew make a person than a Palestinian? raising point number...
4) Martin Buber, read him. Shamati, the Baal Hasulam, study it. When the Rabbonim at Yavneh told G-d that the Torah was (now) on earth, we found a way to understand what is meant by Rabbi Shneur Zalman's cryptic statement on Shema. He said "Shema is Yisroel, HaShem is Echad." This means that Matan Torah is for the earth--all of it, and Shema is our gift, because as Jews we can state (as Chazal teach that "all the Jewish souls who will ever live were at Matan Torah,") each one of us, Shamati. "I heard." And if we have heard, what then can we claim when like Baalam our Yetzer Tov seeks evil until even the animal in him cries out with shame.
5) What I heard in that video was not worthy of a speaking creature, human or otherwise. What I saw was worse.
Permalink Susan replied on
Apartheid's Criminal Conduct
Permalink John de Clef Piñeiro, Esq. replied on
The lawlessness and lethal brutality of Israeli apartheid in the Palestinian territories is in full display here.
Based on the video evidence, it is beyond question that, unarmed and posing no visible threat to anyone, Fadi Alloun was murdered in cold blood, in shoot-to-kill execution-style, by police, who had no probable cause to draw their guns and start firing.
This is what our tax dollars, arms and foreign policy* are supporting each day in the Middle East.
If we do not denounce this, we are complicit.
* See Summary of “U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel” report prepared by the Congressional Research Service:
Using A Double Standard Results in Double Talk
Permalink John de Clef Piñeiro, Esq. replied on
“Young Palestinians do not go out to murder Jews because they are Jews, but because we are their occupiers, their torturers, their jailers, the thieves of their land and water, their exilers, the demolishers of their homes, the blockers of their horizon. Young Palestinians, vengeful and desperate, are willing to lose their lives and cause their families great pain because the enemy they face proves every day that its malice has no limits.
“Even the language is malicious. Jews are murdered, Palestinians are killed and die. Is that so? The problem doesn’t begin with our not being permitted to write that a soldier or police officer murdered Palestinians, at close range, when his life was not in danger, or by remote control or from a plane or a drone. But it is part of the problem. Our comprehension is captive to a retroactively censored language that distorts reality. In our language, Jews are murdered because they are Jews and Palestinians find their death and their distress, because presumably that’s what they’re looking for.” -- read more: http://www.haaretz.com/opinion...
We must ask ourselves: Would Jews or any other people do anything less if the tables were turned and the shoe were on the other foot? And, since when has opposition to occupation not been freedom fighting?
Israel is terrorist state
Permalink Pleb replied on
As someone that speaks Hebrew I can confirm what was being said in the video. As the video was if people shouting in Arabic I am unable to confirm, I believe the sub titles are right as Allah Hu Akbar means SHOOT HIM.
Thank you for reading this
May Palestine be free
It really doesn't get much
Permalink annonyme replied on
It really doesn't get much more depraved than this before the deluge. Is the international community going to wait, as it did in Rwanda, 1994, for the final solution before taking any action?