Day 236 roundtable: Israel burns Rafah; Jabaliya fights back

Scenes of unspeakable horror have emerged from Israel’s repeated attacks on the tents of displaced Palestinians in Rafah, while its war of extermination against the civilian population rages across Gaza.

This has prompted global condemnation, even from some of Israel’s closest allies, but the slaughter isn’t stopping. The Biden administration continues to arm and support Tel Aviv’s genocide while shedding crocodile tears for its Palestinian victims.

We were joined by Dr. Tarek Loubani to talk about the medical catastrophe across Gaza.

Tarek is an emergency room physician based in Ontario. He regularly worked at al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City and is the director of Glia, a medical aid organization that provides care and medical equipment for vulnerable and conflict-torn populations all over the world.

Jump to Tarek Loubani’s segment here.

On 7 October, the Israeli military implemented a controversial order called the Hannibal Directive, which allows its forces to kill Israelis in order to prevent them from being taken captive.

This week Asa Winstanley examined why there is such widespread acceptance of this abhorrent practice and why so many Israelis seem willing to sacrifice their loved ones on the altar of Zionism – and sometimes even themselves too.

Jump to Asa Winstanley’s segment here.

Over the past week, there has been no let up in the fierce resistance to Israel’s genocidal onslaught. Jon Elmer took a look at the latest news from the resistance across Gaza, with a focus on Rafah and Jabaliya refugee camp.

Jump to Jon Elmer’s segment here.

During our group discussion, Ali Abunimah talked about a story he published this week following up on some of the rape hoaxes we’ve been covering.

Jump to the group discussion here.

And I began the broadcast with a summary of the news from Gaza over the last week.

Jump to the news segment here.

These are just some of the many topics we cover on The Electronic Intifada livestream. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

With Ali Abunimah, Nora Barrows-Friedman, Jon Elmer, Tamara Nassar and Asa Winstanley




Thanks to the whole staff of Electronic Intifada for the live event.

The whole planet is crying against the israelian genocide, to a handfull of criminals
and their accomplices.
The international community is represents of people who protest on the streets, of students
on campusses but not of the governments and their gangsters They all support their own class
and are united with the aggressor.


On yesterday I've asked to replace the text because of an error in the grammatic.
Did you receive that?
Sorry for my fail.

It should be "... is represented by..."

The whole planet is crying against the israelian genocide, to a handfull of criminals
and their accomplices.
The international community is represented by people who protest on the streets, by students
on campusses but not by governments and their gangsters They all support their own class
and are united with the aggressor.

Nora Barrows-Friedman

Nora Barrows-Friedman's picture

Nora Barrows-Friedman is a staff writer and associate editor at The Electronic Intifada, and is the author of In Our Power: US Students Organize for Justice in Palestine (Just World Books, 2014).