Seventy years of Palestinian sorrow
8 September 2015
Nahr Al-Bared (Cold River) traces how one family was expelled from its homeland and left to wander the world. Read more about Seventy years of Palestinian sorrow
8 September 2015
Nahr Al-Bared (Cold River) traces how one family was expelled from its homeland and left to wander the world. Read more about Seventy years of Palestinian sorrow
Haifa 16 September 2014
Maisan Hamdan, an organizer with a military refusal group, on the rise in conscientious objection. Read more about Campaign gives new choices to Druze youth facing Israeli conscription
11 August 2014
Anan Shaheen was unexpectedly given exemption from military service. Read more about Druze youth refuses to serve in Israeli military
Haifa 2 January 2014
The number of conscientious objectors keeps rising as Druze youth see through Israeli propaganda. Read more about Israel “tried to brainwash us,” says Druze pioneer who refused army service
Shefa Amr 4 April 2013
Eden Natan Zada had murdered four Palestinians by the time he was confronted by locals in Shefa Amr, yet those accused of killing him could be jailed for many years. Read more about Why do survivors of massacre by Israeli soldier face imprisonment?
5 October 2011
Sawsan Khalife’ is a young woman activist and a Palestinian citizen of Israel. The daily discrimination she encounters in Jerusalem and the tragic killing by Israeli forces of a school friend have been determining factors for her work. Read more about "Our identity is under attack;" Palestinian youth activist interviewed