Abdel Bari Atwan was forced out of al-Quds al-Arabi after 25 years, but is bouncing back with a new online media project which launched in September. Read more about Gulf states and Israel won't silence me: journalist Abdel Bari Atwan
David Cameron’s government publishes data showing that sales of military goods are far higher than previously believed. Read more about Britain admits selling $12 billion in weapons to Israel
Airlines threatened with fines if they fly Palestinians to Cairo. Read more about Why won't Egypt let me go home to Gaza?
Think tank “expert” Nick Witney helped Britain secure a massive arms deal in Saudi Arabia; his claims to be promoting peace in the Middle East must be questioned. Read more about Warmonger poses as voice of reason on Palestine
Making Egypt more critical towards Israel requires a “structural change” within Egypt itself. Read more about Cairo remains dependent on US aid, says scholar of Egyptian foreign policy
The US project for normalization with the the Israeli colonizing and apartheid regime was dealt a severe blow last Friday when protesters battered down the walls of the Israeli embassy in Cairo and even managed to break into the embassy’s offices. Read more about Wikileaks, the Israeli embassy takeover, and the US normalization project