How Israel makes money from blockading Gaza
29 March 2016
Palestinian workers say they support BDS, even if it costs jobs in the short term. Read more about How Israel makes money from blockading Gaza
29 March 2016
Palestinian workers say they support BDS, even if it costs jobs in the short term. Read more about How Israel makes money from blockading Gaza
Gaza Strip 15 May 2015
Palestinian civil society in Gaza urges escalation of international activisim to hold Israel accountable for its “criminal behavior.” Read more about In Gaza, the Nakba is ongoing and you can help us end it
22 September 2014
Arms exports to Israel worth more than $9.5 billion were approved by EU governments between 2005 and 2009. Read more about End "booming military trade" between EU and Israel, say Palestinian rights groups
Gaza Strip 12 July 2014
We ask: how many of our lives are dispensable enough until the world takes action? How much of our blood is sufficient? Read more about Urgent call from Gaza civil society: Act now!
20 March 2014
“When we talk of boycotting Israel, we talk of boycotting a system of ruling, a way of thinking and behaving, that denies the existence of the Palestinian people and their rights.” Read more about Boycott movement has empowered Palestinians, says co-founder
3 March 2014
Farmers’ groups in Gaza prepare for Israeli Apartheid Week and a new year of boycott initiatives. Read more about Local Israel boycott part of Gaza’s “resistance mentality”
29 January 2014
Oxfam’s staff in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip have sent an impassioned plea to the charity’s managers, expressing frustration at the growing crisis over its refusal to end the relationship with Scarlett Johansson. Read more about Oxfam staff say charity’s tie to Scarlett Johansson puts their work in “jeopardy”
28 January 2014
“By choosing to remain an ambassador for SodaStream, Johansson also choses to remain an ambassador for forced displacement,” Palestinians tell Oxfam. Read more about Oxfam’s Palestinian partners condemn charity’s “mishandling” of Scarlett Johansson affair
27 January 2014
The dispute within the global charity is largely along transatlantic lines, with Oxfam America stamping on anything seen to be critical of Israel. Read more about “Internal revolt” at Oxfam over Scarlett Johansson affair, insider says
31 January 2013
The EU betrays its Israel-centric perspective when it defines Palestinian refugees as the “problem” instead of Israel’s refusal to comply with international law. Read more about Palestinians condemn EU for new conditions tying humanitarian aid to joint projects with “Jews and Arabs”