For three years now a United Kingdom medical journal The Lancet has been working with Palestinian health professionals and researchers to document the effects of stressful living — coping with economic difficulties and shortages, restrictions on movement, political tensions and fear of outside attack — and has just published its latest findings. Read more about Israeli checkpoints kill women in childbirth, says new study
WASHINGTON (IPS) - Turkey and Israel are close to resolving their dispute over last year’s flotilla attack, but the partnership that existed between them for more than a decade will almost certainly stay submerged. Read more about No Turkish boat to Gaza as Ankara, Tel Aviv mend fences
Just as activists from all over the world prepare to embark on the second Freedom Flotilla to Gaza, Prisoners of Love, a comic book-style account of Israel’s deadly raid on the first Gaza Freedom Flotilla last year, has just been released. Read more about Graphic novel account of deadly Flotilla raid released
Lucas Koerner, the young American Jewish university student shown violently arrested in a Jerusalem Day video, speaks to The Electronic Intifada about his activism and what happened after his arrest. Read more about US citizen in Jerusalem arrest video speaks to EI
Victor Kattan argues that UN membership for a State of Palestine would be a strategic asset to the Palestinian struggle for self-determination, although there are risks involved. Read more about The case for UN recognition of Palestine
Former professors of Dirar Abu Sisi, the engineer from Gaza who went missing during a train trip in Ukraine last February, refute allegations in Israel’s indictment that the man was taught weapons systems at university. The indictment also claims that one of Abu Sisi’s professors studied at a military engineering school in east Ukraine, though no such school exists, the Associated Press has found. Read more about Former professors refute Israel's indictment of kidnapped Gaza engineer
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights issued the following press release on Saturday, 30 April following the Israel high court’s rejection of an appeal to extend the two-year statute of limitations imposed on filing compensation cases. According to PCHR, this ruling “epresents a serious setback for the victims, and their legitimate quest for accountability and redress.”
Israel’s High Court of Justice Dismisses Petition Filed on Behalf of More Than 1,000 Victims of Operation Cast LeadRead more about Israeli high court decision a serious setback for Gaza war crimes victims
Palestinians and international solidarity activists around the world are collectively mourning the shocking death of Vittorio Arrigoni, an Italian journalist and solidarity activist. Arrigoni was also an occasional contributor to The Electronic Intifada. Read more about Vittorio Arrigoni, "hero of Palestine"