How campaigners convinced police chiefs to dump Israel junket
4 December 2018
US police should not be taking lessons from occupation forces, human rights defenders say. Read more about How campaigners convinced police chiefs to dump Israel junket
4 December 2018
US police should not be taking lessons from occupation forces, human rights defenders say. Read more about How campaigners convinced police chiefs to dump Israel junket
19 April 2018
The Anti-Defamation League boasts it has helped Israeli forces train 200 US policing executives in “counter-terrorism” tactics. Read more about Listen: How Durham activists led city to ban police training in Israel
7 June 2016
Ali Abunimah talks to The Real News about New York governor’s executive order on Israel boycott. Read more about Video: BDS is "democracy in action"
22 May 2015
Durham County had joined the boycott of South African goods during the 1980s apartheid era, and current campaigners were able to “use that as precedent for them taking action on G4S.” Read more about Listen: North Carolina county drops Israeli occupation profiteer G4S
17 February 2015
Brother of two women murdered by Craig Hicks says he has no doubt that it was an anti-Muslim hate crime. Read more about Why can't media describe Chapel Hill murders as terrorism?
11 February 2015
Whatever he says, if anything, in the next few hours, US President Barack Obama’s silence so far on the murders of three young Muslims already speaks volumes. Read more about Obama's silence on Chapel Hill murders already speaks volumes
2 February 2015
Guilford College moves Palestinian-American professor’s speech after pressure from family that funded campus building. Read more about North Carolina college bows to donor pressure over Steven Salaita talk
20 September 2013
Thirty-seven laws hostile to Islam have been introduced across the US so far this year. Read more about Top players in Islamophobia industry paid over $150,000 per year
6 February 2012
The US Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) is asking supporters to sign a pledge to defend civil and human rights as it was revealed last week that the lead government prosecutor of the Holy Land Five has been assigned to the ongoing secret investigation against anti-war and international solidarity activists across the US. Read more about US Palestinians organize as government renews threats to indict solidarity activists
25 January 2012
A domestic terrorism case in the US state of North Carolina that I have scrutinized because of the vague nature of the conspiracy charges, and the use of paid undercover FBI informants, has taken a new twist as the government now alleges one of those convicted attempted to hire someone to kill those who testified against him. Read more about US alleges "terrorism" convict plotted to have FBI informants murdered