Roads to ending Israeli apartheid envisioned in new book
28 May 2013
Denying the Nakba is a central tenet in Israeli supremacy, according to essays in Pretending Democracy. Read more about Roads to ending Israeli apartheid envisioned in new book
28 May 2013
Denying the Nakba is a central tenet in Israeli supremacy, according to essays in Pretending Democracy. Read more about Roads to ending Israeli apartheid envisioned in new book
12 March 2013
Israel continues to severely restrict academic and other contacts between Palestinians and the outside world while complaining that it is being unjustly targeted by academic and cultural boycott. Read more about Israel interrogates, expels well-known South African academic Salim Vally, invited to lecture in Palestine
18 May 2011
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign of South Africa (PSC) has confirmed that prominent scholar Na’eem Jeenah is expected back in Johannesburg Thursday morning after he was detained by Israeli authorities, interrogated and held incommunicado on arrival at Ben-Gurion Airport on 17 May, before being deported to Istanbul without his passport or belongings. Read more about Israel actions "surpass barbarism of apartheid South Africa," group says after Na'eem Jeenah deportation
18 May 2011
The Electronic Intifada has received the following update sent by the wife of prominent South African scholar, activist and public intellectual Na’eem Jeenah, Director of the Afro Middle East Centre, who was arrested by Israeli authorities, interrogated and held incommunicado on arrival at Ben-Gurion Airport on 17 May, before being Read more about South Africa intervening to bring home Na'eem Jeenah after Israel deports him to Turkey without passport
18 May 2011
After being detained incommunicado on arrival at Ben Gurion Airport on May 17, Na’eem Jeenah, director of The Afro Middle East Centre (AMEC), has been deported. AMEC has just issued the following statement from Johannesburg: Read more about South African scholar Na'eem Jeenah trapped at Istanbul airport after Israeli interrogation, confiscation of passport
17 May 2011
A prominent South African scholar was detained today on arrival Ben-Gurion airport after flying into Israel, held incommunicado without access to South African diplomats and his whereabouts are currently unknown. A press release from the Afro-Middle East Center in Johannesburg, South Africa, of which Na’eem Jeenah is director states: Read more about Prominent South African scholar detained incommunicado by Israel
6 September 2006
A United Nations committee will convene the UN International Conference of Civil Society in Support of the Palestinian People tomorrow in Geneva in a bid to help alleviate their plight. The two-day Conference will focus on the current situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and related civil society action, according to a press release issued in connection with the event. Representatives of civil society organizations from all regions will discuss the situation on the ground, promote their current programmes, develop action-oriented proposals in support of the Palestinian people and coordinate their activities. Read more about UN to convene international conference in support of Palestinian people
13 July 2005
Civil society organizations committed to ending the Israeli occupation of Palestinian Territories and to achieving the Palestinians’ still unrealized rights, including the right of self-determination, today identified the coming year to inaugurate a global campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions to pressure Israel to end the occupation and comply with international law and all relevant United Nations resolutions, as the United Nations International Conference in Support of Middle East Peace concluded this evening in Paris. Through the adoption by acclamation of an Action Plan, civil society participants committed themselves to internationalism and the belief that the United Nations remained central to ending the occupation. Read more about UN Meeting on Middle East Peace concludes with Adoption of Action Plan (2/2)
13 July 2005
Civil society organizations committed to ending the Israeli occupation of Palestinian Territories and to achieving the Palestinians’ still unrealized rights, including the right of self-determination, today identified the coming year to inaugurate a global campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions to pressure Israel to end the occupation and comply with international law and all relevant United Nations resolutions, as the United Nations International Conference in Support of Middle East Peace concluded this evening in Paris. Through the adoption by acclamation of an Action Plan, civil society participants committed themselves to internationalism and the belief that the United Nations remained central to ending the occupation. Read more about UN Meeting on Middle East Peace concludes with Adoption of Action Plan (1/2)
14 September 2004
The International Conference of Civil Society in Support of the Palestinian People concluded its work today by hearing a presentation of the “2004-2005 Plan for Action to support Palestinian rights through international law and the United Nations”. According to the draft plan of action, adopted by the Conference Steering Committee, internationally coordinated action would be developed to escalate pressure to end the Israeli occupation and achieve the realization of Palestinian rights. To that end, NGO’s participating in the Conference would work together to educate people and to pressure Governments to move towards strict enforcement of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice. Read more about Civil Society Conference presented with action plan to support Palestinian rights through international law