How the Israel lobby is courting US Latinos
27 February 2014
Pro-Israel groups are using free trips and other tactics in effort to win over growing and influential voter bloc. Read more about How the Israel lobby is courting US Latinos
27 February 2014
Pro-Israel groups are using free trips and other tactics in effort to win over growing and influential voter bloc. Read more about How the Israel lobby is courting US Latinos
19 January 2012
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was quick to deny comments attributed to him that The New York Times and Haaretz are Israel’s greatest enemies. Read more about Despite Netanyahu denial, campaign to smear Haaretz as "enemy" of Israel already underway
10 January 2012
One of the main purposes of Israel’s international student debate team is hasbara – propaganda – for the state, explains the team’s coach after a recent victory. Read more about Israel's student debate champions are "hasbara" agents for the state, says their coach
5 January 2012
Yesterday I wrote about a program run by the National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS) to pay Israeli college students $2,000 to spread hasbara – propaganda favorable to Israel – on social networking sites. This raised a further question: who pays for this and what role do Israel’s government and other organizations play in this use of students to deliver propaganda? Read more about Israel's "pretty face": How National Union of Israeli Students does government's propaganda dirty work