Bad news for Jeremy Corbyn
31 October 2019
New book chronicles four-year negative media campaign over “anti-Semitism.” Read more about Bad news for Jeremy Corbyn
31 October 2019
New book chronicles four-year negative media campaign over “anti-Semitism.” Read more about Bad news for Jeremy Corbyn
24 September 2019
Labour’s capitulation to Israel lobby crushes free speech on Palestine in Brighton. Read more about Waterstones cancels launch for book on Labour and anti-Semitism
25 June 2011
Those regularly subjected to BBC and ITV news won’t exactly find the conclusion of More Bad News From Israel surprising but the importance of detailed documentary evidence like this book provides cannot be overstated. Read more about Endemic pro-Israel bias in UK TV coverage, new book finds
22 June 2004
The study suggests that television news on the Israel/Palestinian conflict confuses viewers and substantially features Israeli government views. Israelis are quoted and speak in interviews over twice as much as Palestinians and there are major differences in the language used to describe the two sides. This operates in favours of the Israelis and influences how viewers understand the conflict. The study focused on BBC One and ITV News from the start of the current Palestinian intifada, the Glasgow researchers examined around 200 news programmes and interviewed and questioned over 800 people. The study is unique in that for the first time it brought senior broadcasters together with ordinary viewers to work in research groups, analysing how the news informs people and how it could be improved. Read more about New Book: Bad News from Israel