How did the Israel boycott campaign grow in 2018?
31 December 2018
Israel’s propaganda efforts continued to fail across the globe. Read more about How did the Israel boycott campaign grow in 2018?
31 December 2018
Israel’s propaganda efforts continued to fail across the globe. Read more about How did the Israel boycott campaign grow in 2018?
4 December 2018
US police should not be taking lessons from occupation forces, human rights defenders say. Read more about How campaigners convinced police chiefs to dump Israel junket
13 February 2018
Israel lobby tried to disguise bill targeting Palestine activists as anti-discrimination measure. Read more about Massachusetts activists defeat "deceptive" anti-BDS measure
8 August 2017
Senator says bill would violate free speech rights. Read more about Elizabeth Warren opposes Israel Anti-Boycott Act
19 July 2017
New York county tries to silence Roger Waters. Read more about Stealth bill targets Palestine supporters in Massachusetts
20 July 2016
Human rights defenders engaged directly with lawmakers. Read more about Activists defeat anti-BDS legislation in Massachusetts
27 January 2015
As rape allegations against Alan Dershowitz intensify, his bellicose denials, steeped in brazen hostility towards rape victims, reflect a shockingly overlooked history of hysterical misogyny and rape trutherism. Read more about Israel defender Alan Dershowitz has long history of attacking sex abuse victims
7 October 2014
In a powerful letter, Taner Akcam tells the University of Illinois why he will not deliver two lectures on campus. Read more about Armenian genocide expert cancels Illinois talks in protest at Salaita firing
San Francisco 4 March 2014
Palestine solidarity activists have forged a growing coalition with environmental and labor groups to organize against Veolia. Read more about Palestine activists, labor and environment groups in US unite against Veolia
Amman 12 January 2012
The pro-Israel rhetoric of some election hopefuls is so extreme that they make George W. Bush seem reasonable by comparison. Read more about Why is it open season on Palestinians in US presidential race?