Palestinians in Israel reject Ehud Barak's apology
24 July 2019
Former PM’s gesture “lacks all value” without indictments of officers who killed protesters in October 2000. Read more about Palestinians in Israel reject Ehud Barak's apology
24 July 2019
Former PM’s gesture “lacks all value” without indictments of officers who killed protesters in October 2000. Read more about Palestinians in Israel reject Ehud Barak's apology
27 January 2015
As rape allegations against Alan Dershowitz intensify, his bellicose denials, steeped in brazen hostility towards rape victims, reflect a shockingly overlooked history of hysterical misogyny and rape trutherism. Read more about Israel defender Alan Dershowitz has long history of attacking sex abuse victims
18 January 2015
Why is a Texas senator proposing that the US move its embassy to Jerusalem? Read more about Islamophobic rally in Texas as senators push for anti-Palestinian bill
10 January 2015
Media coverage of Jeffrey Epstein has been particularly derelict in noting the pivotal role prominent Israel advocate Alan Dershowitz played in shielding a child rapist and possibly himself from accountability. Read more about How Alan Dershowitz bullied rape victims to protect a serial child molester
7 January 2015
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach implores Jews everywhere to show gratitide to Israel’s “most eloquent defender” Alan Dershowitz with loud support against child rape allegations. Read more about Defend "Israel's advocate" Alan Dershowitz against rape claims, says prominent rabbi