
Israel lobby group Iran180 “sodomizes” Ahmadinejad effigy with nuke at San Francisco Pride

A float at San Francisco Pride, sponsored by a pro-Israel group, used intentionally humiliating sexual depictions of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. While purporting to defend the rights and dignity of queer people, the display sought to ridicule Ahmedinejad by associating him with gay identity and homosexuality in negative ways. 

The news according to BICOM

BICOM, the Britain Israel Communications & Research Centre, prides itself on “providing daily, expert news summary” to politicians and journalists in the UK. But when it comes to an issue as contested as Iran, what BICOM considers news suggests a problematic bias. 

Europe's airlines enforce Israeli travel ban on activists hoping to repair Palestinian schools

Thousands of international solidarity activists were set to fly to Tel Aviv in a coordinated effort to volunteer with Palestinian initiatives in the occupied West Bank. However, Israel coordinated with European airlines to cancel many activists’ tickets.