Silver lining in US Congress debate on Palestinian "incitement"
3 November 2015
Was sponsor of anti-Palestinian resolution afraid it would not get enough support? Read more about Silver lining in US Congress debate on Palestinian "incitement"
3 November 2015
Was sponsor of anti-Palestinian resolution afraid it would not get enough support? Read more about Silver lining in US Congress debate on Palestinian "incitement"
31 July 2014
A resolution being circulated in Washington echoes Israel’s most extreme propaganda. Read more about Israel uses Palestinians as human shields but US lawmakers condemn Hamas
11 November 2011
A bill introduced in the United States Congress last month would require the State Department to investigate “The sources of any logistical, technical, or financial support for the Gaza flotilla ships, including the Audacity of Hope, that were set to set sail from Greece on July 1, 2011.” Read more about Bill in Congress seeks to investigate US Boat to Gaza for "terrorist" ties
Washington, DC 1 November 2011
The administration of US President Barack Obama announced Monday that it would immediately cut US funding for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, just hours after UNESCO’s governing board voted overwhelmingly to grant Palestine full membership. Read more about UNESCO funding cut over Palestine vote may harm US economy