How the US jailed five innocent Palestinians
14 February 2018
The Holy Land Five are serving decades-long sentences for their charity work. Read more about How the US jailed five innocent Palestinians
14 February 2018
The Holy Land Five are serving decades-long sentences for their charity work. Read more about How the US jailed five innocent Palestinians
San Francisco 24 July 2014
Lawyers argue that the “Communication Management Unit” regime flouts US ban on cruel punishment. Read more about Why is US holding Palestinian charity workers in "little Gitmos"?
New York City 11 March 2014
Ghassan Elashi’s wife’s garnished wages are the latest example of how far the US is willing to go to silence and scare those involved in Palestinian activism. Read more about US confiscating a quarter of “Holy Land Five” wife’s wages
26 October 2013
A pillar in Chicago’s Palestinian community faces jail time and deportation over a conviction by an Israeli military court more than four decades ago. Read more about Palestinian arrested in Chicago because of her community activism, groups say
2 November 2012
Linda Moreno, defense attorney for Ghassan Elashi of the Holy Land Foundation, who was convicted for giving charity to Palestinian women and children, talks about the US Supreme Court’s decision not to hear the case. Read more about Podcast: Case against the Holy Land Five "a co-production with the government of Israel"
29 October 2012
The US Supreme Court announced Monday that it had decided not to hear the appeal of the Holy Land Five; EI interviews Michael Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights. Read more about "Justice has fled the country": US Supreme Court won't hear Holy Land Five case
Gaza Strip 24 October 2012
Going to university has become more difficult for Palestinians in Gaza since George W. Bush shut down a charity that helps underprivileged students with fees. Read more about As Holy Land 5 appeal begins, Palestinians in Gaza praise charity closed by Bush
New York City 24 October 2012
Noor Elashi anticipates this week’s decision by the US Supreme Court whether or not to hear the Holy Land Foundation case, in which her father is a defendant. Read more about "Let us not be brought down": Last legal recourse for Holy Land Five
Gaza City 26 July 2012
Two brothers who were deported to Gaza from the US despite their stateless status say the government is punishing people for opposing foreign policy. Read more about Brothers jailed by US and expelled to Gaza speak out
22 March 2012
Patriot Acts: Narratives of Post-9/11 Injustice tells the stories of individuals in the United States whose rights have been abused as a result of the racist, Islamophobic backlash and the so-called War on Terror that followed the attacks of 11 September 2001. Read more about Book review: "Patriot Acts" tells shocking stories of post-9/11 injustice