Donor Opium is a new documentary film directed by Mariam Shahin and George Azar about the impact of international aid to Palestinians. The film features Palestinian criticisms of this externally funded “development”. Featured speakers are Khaled Sabawi, Sami Abdel-Shafi, Linda Tabar, Iyad Al Riyahi and Khalil Nakhleh. Read more about Film: Donor Opium
Susan Youssef’s new feature film Habibi has won the award for Best Arab Feature Film at the 8th Dubai International Film Festival.
This achievement comes after a decade-long struggle by Youssef to make the film. Last year she wrote for The Electronic Intifada about the trials of making a feature film set in Gaza and what inspired it: Read more about Susan Youssef's Habibi, a Gaza feature film a decade in the making, wins major award
As Palestinians across the world commemorated the 63rd anniversary of the Nakba — the forced expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland in 1947-48 — activists in North America and the UK launched another season of local film festivals that illustrate and emphasize the Palestinian experience. Read more about Around the world, film festivals put focus on Palestine