Josh Hammer hits racist note at Newsweek
15 June 2020
Opinion editor supports Israel’s theft of the West Bank. Read more about Josh Hammer hits racist note at Newsweek
15 June 2020
Opinion editor supports Israel’s theft of the West Bank. Read more about Josh Hammer hits racist note at Newsweek
9 December 2019
“You’re brutal killers, not nice people at all,” US president tells Jewish audience. Read more about Israel supporters defend Trump's vicious anti-Semitism
3 February 2015
The civil suit against the Palestinian Authority that began this month demonstrates the stark prejudices that inform the prosecution of “terrorism” in US courts. Read more about Why the PA can be sued in the US for “terrorism” but Israel can't
16 January 2012
Zionism’s cultural appropriation of indigenous Palestinian folklore and cuisine – such as hummus, falafel and maftoul – as “Israeli” has long irked Palestinians. Now, Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank are attempting to steal perhaps the most important symbol and source of economic sustenance for rural Palestinians: olive oil and olive culture. Read more about Hummus and falafel are already "Israeli." Now they're coming for Palestine's olive oil too
27 December 2011
The popular Israeli web-based satirical show LatmaTV has released a musical video containing crude anti-Muslim stereotypes and mocking Europeans as “dummies” for supposedly allowing their countries to be taken over by Islam and turned into “Eurabia.” In one sequence, a Norwegian father tells his blonde daughter about Muslims: “When they rape you don’t object for that is politically incorrect.” Read more about "When they rape you don't object": Israeli "satire" show incites hatred of Muslims, Europeans