Stealth bill targets Palestine supporters in Massachusetts
19 July 2017
New York county tries to silence Roger Waters. Read more about Stealth bill targets Palestine supporters in Massachusetts
19 July 2017
New York county tries to silence Roger Waters. Read more about Stealth bill targets Palestine supporters in Massachusetts
4 February 2017
Ruling opens way for thousands stranded abroad to return to United States. Read more about Trump furious as judge suspends Muslim ban
31 March 2015
Activists say they have been silenced by their student government. Read more about Divestment referendum blocked at Northeastern
22 April 2014
Group was suspended in March for distributing mock eviction notices to raise awareness about Israel’s destruction of Palestinian homes. Read more about Northeastern lifts suspension of Students for Justice in Palestine
18 April 2012
Nancy Murray, education director of the ACLU of Massachusetts, explains why she believes a “Muslim exception” is being carved out of the First Amendment, how a juror came to Tarek Mehanna’s sentencing hearing last week to ask the judge for mercy, and why Mehanna’s case has wide-reaching implications. Read more about "You will be punished if you don't become an informant": ACLU's Nancy Murray on Tarek Mehanna case
Chicago 13 April 2012
The case of a Muslim man in Pittsburgh arrested one day before he was to publicly state he was the target of an FBI sting operation exposes the injustices in domestic terror prosecutions. Read more about The undercover persecution of Muslim Americans
6 February 2012
The US Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) is asking supporters to sign a pledge to defend civil and human rights as it was revealed last week that the lead government prosecutor of the Holy Land Five has been assigned to the ongoing secret investigation against anti-war and international solidarity activists across the US. Read more about US Palestinians organize as government renews threats to indict solidarity activists