Florida mosque arsonist shared extreme pro-Israel propaganda
18 September 2016
At least 12 slain in spate of anti-Muslim crimes since start of US election cycle. Read more about Florida mosque arsonist shared extreme pro-Israel propaganda
18 September 2016
At least 12 slain in spate of anti-Muslim crimes since start of US election cycle. Read more about Florida mosque arsonist shared extreme pro-Israel propaganda
15 November 2012
Thinking that the US president will alter his Middle East policy is fanciful. Read more about Why Obama won't take on Israel
26 October 2012
These ads reduce women from political actors to sexual objects doing men’s bidding. Read more about New Obama video, like 2010 pro-Israel ad, uses sleazy sex talk to lure youth support
24 October 2012
“Imagine if there were a national candidate whose ads showed Gazan children wounded by Israeli weapons” Read more about As election day approaches in swing state Ohio, my TV keeps blaring 'vote for Israel'
25 September 2012
Is Obama ready – like Bill Clinton – to “get in a ditch, and fight and die” for Israel? Read more about Official Israel government Twitter account joins partisan attacks on Obama
18 September 2012
Mitt Romney’s comments get at a truth that is widely recognized in the US establishment though rarely spoken in public. Read more about Why we should welcome Mitt Romney's Middle East straight talk
5 September 2012
A must-see video seems to show the Democratic National Convention rejecting an Obama-inspired amendment to pander to Israel over Jerusalem. Read more about Did Democratic delegates just vote down Obama bid to pander to AIPAC on Jerusalem?
2 August 2012
Romney’s comments only the latest racist attacks targeting Palestinians in the long US presidential campaign. Some responses worth reading. Read more about Mitt Romney, Palestinian culture and white supremacism: responses worth reading
Amman 12 January 2012
The pro-Israel rhetoric of some election hopefuls is so extreme that they make George W. Bush seem reasonable by comparison. Read more about Why is it open season on Palestinians in US presidential race?
10 December 2011
Newt Gingrich, the US Republican presidential hopeful and former House Speaker who said Palestinians are an “invented people,” was making a “play” to attract “Jewish” money to his campaign, a former advisor said Read more about Gingrich comments on Palestinians a "play" for "Jewish" money, former strategist says