Nigel Parry

800 American professors sign document warning of coming Israeli ethnic cleansing

Earlier this year, 187 Israeli professors signed an “Urgent Warning” letter titled “The Israeli government may be contemplating crimes against humanity.” Today, 800 American professors have signed a similar document, warning of coming Israeli ethnic cleansing. EI’s Nigel Parry reports. 

False Washington Times report convinces Canada to ban Hizbullah

On Wednesday 11th December 2002, the social arm of Lebanese resistance group Hizbullah was one of three organisations to be added to Canada’s official list of “terrorist entities”. Canadian newspapers and politicians cited, as the ultimate deciding factor for Canada’s policy change towards Hizbullah, a statement attributed to its leader Hassan Nasrallah last month in which he allegedly urged Palestinians to undertake suicide bombings outside of Israel/Palestine, in locations around the world. But it has now emerged that the source of the remarks is suspect, meaning that an organisation widely recognised for its humanitarian contributions in desperate areas of the Middle East has been cut off from a considerable number of donors on the basis of a false account. EI’s Nigel Parry reports. 

Economist: Main reason for UN inaction against Israel glossed over

The Reuters article “Double standards” that appeared in the Oct 10th edition of the Economist was been widely circulated and lauded by pro-Israeli media monitoring groups as “seminal” (Honest Reporting, Oct 17) and “highly informative and balanced” (CAMERA alert, Oct 16). This dubious praise was only garnered because the article avoided a rather important fact… 

The message of the mortars

Maintaining a website offering information about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from a pro-Palestinian perspective, my e-mail in-box is regularly filled with ‘advice’ about how the Palestinians should manage their Intifada. Some recent messages have bemoaned the decision by Palestinian military groups to fire mortars at Israeli settlements. EI’s Nigel Parry comments. 

Mass amnesia hits the media concerning Israeli military incursions into Palestinian areas: Have we lost a clear sense of the scale of Israel repression during the 10-month-long Palestinian revolt against miltary occupation?

“Israel’s incursion into Jenin on Tuesday was the first time Israeli troops have entered a city under full Palestinian control since parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip were handed over to Palestinian rule under a peace deal in 1994,” said the BBC. But it wasn’t, and the error was reproduced widely. 

Encourage your local newspaper to state the obvious: Editorials must call for the basic minimum demanded by international law -- an end to Israel's military occupation

The Minneapolis Star Tribune editorial of November 12th, 2001 called for an end to Israel’s occupation. More papers should take this common sense approach. 

The CanWest Chill: "We do not run in our newspaper Op Ed pieces that express criticism of Israel"

The 7 December 2001 broadcast of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s As It Happens reported on a new editorial policy directive from CanWest Global, a leading Canadian media conglomerate, that impairs readers’ ability to make up their own minds about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, among other issues. 

EI on CKUT Radio Montreal

Following the publication of EI’s investigative piece “Israel falsely claims ‘massacre’ of ‘worshippers’ in Hebron” (16 November 2002), EI’s Ali Abunimah and Nigel Parry spoke with Stefan Christoff on CKUT Radio Montreal about the events. Listen to or download an mp3 audio file of the program here. 

"USS Liberty: Dead in the Water" now available in VHS and DVD

During the Six Day War between Israel and the Arab States, the American intelligence ship USS Liberty was attacked for 75 minutes in international waters by Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats. Thirty-four men died and 172 were wounded. The most recent documentary, a 2001 production from the British Broadcasting Corporation is USS Liberty: Dead in the Water, is now on sale in North America. EI’s Nigel Parry offers more information.