Lora Gordon

Israel bulldozes Palestinian buildings at Rafah crossing point

We thought they would bomb the Gaza International Airport but instead they bulldozed the Palestinian-run buildings at Rafah Crossing Point (RCP), officially/unofficially ending the Palestinian-Israeli joint supervision intended for the checkpoint since it was reorganized under the Cairo Agreement after Oslo. Laura Gordon writes from occupied Rafah. 

Protest Israeli bombing of civil institutions

Tonight, it appears that the Israeli army will bomb the Gaza International Airport. This morning, PA forces located in the airport were told by the Israeli military to evacuate. The Gaza Airport, located in Rafah, Gaza Strip, is one of the five exit/entry points in the Gaza Strip, of which only two have been open, with greatly reduced accessability, since October 9, 2000. The airport itself has been closed since that date. Early this evening, an F16 was seen flying over Rafah. Journalists have been at the site all day, photographing and waiting for something to happen. 

Rafah, home of the strongest people in the world

“It’s past midnight and the only sound is the ceiling fan pushing the muggy summer air around and around, while no matter how hard I wash my skin still retains a faint layer of dirt, dust, and sweat. The fan drowns out the sound of bullets, mostly, so you can sleep in our apartment now cloaked is some illusion of normalcy. We got the fans a couple of weeks ago, when the heat became unbearable and we were feeling rich.” ISM activist Laura Gordon writes from Rafah.