KPFK Radio

EI's Ali Abunimah appears on KPFK discussing Lebanon

EI’s Ali Abunimah appeared on “Beneath the Surface with Jerry Quickley” on Wednesday, July 19th, to discuss the Israeli attacks on Lebanon. By the 19th of July, Israeli attacks had killed over 200 Lebanese and destroyed large amounts of Lebanese infrastructure, including the airport, the port, and bridges and roads throughout Lebanon. “Beneath the Surface with Jerry Quickley” airs Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 5 PM - 6 PM on KPFK, the Pacifica Radio outlet in Los Angeles. Jerry Quickley, the show’s host, is one of the most well known and well regarded performance poets in the United States. 

EI's Laurie King on KPFK Pacifica

Electronic Intifada cofounder Laurie King lived in Beirut, Lebanon from 1993-1998. For the first two years, she taught the “Cultural Studies III” course at the Lebanese American University (LAU) and, in 1995, became Editor in Chief of Al-Ra’ida, the quarterly journal of the Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World at LAU. She has written for the Daily Star (Lebanon), and worked with the Arab Resource Center for the Popular Arts, which undertakes arts therapy with children and teenagers in Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon. Laurie was interviewed by Don Bustany on the Middle East in Focus program on KPFK, California, about current events in Lebanon. 

EI on KPFK to discuss Israel's invasion of Lebanon

EI’s Ali Abunimah appeared on “Beneath the Surface with Jerry Quickley” on Los Angeles Pacifica outlet KPFK on Thursday, July 13th, to discuss the Israeli attack on Lebanon. On July 13th, Israeli attacks on Lebanon caused massive destruction at the Beirut International Airport, attacked key Lebanese infrastructure points, and killed 50 Lebanese civilians. “Beneath the Surface with Jerry Quickley” airs Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 5 PM - 6 PM on KPFK, hosted by performance poet Quickley. 

EI's Laurie King-Irani on KPFK's Middle East in Focus programme

On 9 March 2003, EI founder Laurie King-Irani and her husband George Irani appeared on California’s KPFK radio station’s Middle East in Focus programme to discuss developments in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the US occupation of Iraq, Lebanon, international law, and American foreign policy in the Middle East. Dr. Laurie King-Irani is an anthropologist and teaches at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. George Irani is Lebanese and a professor of conflict management and analysis at Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC. The program is hosted by Don Bustany. 

Debate between Ali Abunimah and Malcolm Hoenlein on KPFK

On 22 August 2001, The Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah appeared on The David Corn Show, a programme on the Pacifica Network’s Los Angeles affiliate, KPFK, to debate the situation in the Middle East with Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice president of the Congress of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.