A bill was passed by the Israeli Knesset (parliament) last week which calls on the government to deny funding to any organization, institution or municipality that commemorates the founding of the Israeli state as a day of mourning. Read more about Israel criminalizes commemoration of the Nakba
A coalition including Palestinian refugees from Lifta are appealing to the Jerusalem municipality to stop plans to build Jewish-only condominiums atop the remains of the depopulated village. Read more about Suspended in time, Lifta under threat
Twenty-four-year-old Hussam Rwidy was killed in the early morning hours of Friday, 11 February, on Hillel Street in West Jerusalem as he and a friend, Murad Khader Joulani, were walking to their car to drive home from work. Read more about Murdered Jerusalem man subjected to racism even in death
In early February, Israeli military spokesperson Avi Benayahu announced that more than a hundred Israeli “media warriors” are to be trained to use social media tools to disseminate Israeli propaganda to audiences around the world. Read more about Israel investing $1.6 million in "new media warriors"
For at least five months, Israeli military has been stationed on the roof of Abid Abu Ramuz’s building — which houses a total of 69 persons from seven separate families, as well as a mosque — in the heart of Silwan’s Baten al-Hawa neighborhood. Read more about Families forced out as army occupies Jerusalem rooftop
Demonstrations are continuing uninterrupted across the Middle East and North Africa, where protesters remain steadfast in their demands for democracy. Meanwhile, the Palestinian Authority’s leadership in Ramallah has announced that it will hold municipal, presidential and legislative elections within the year. Read more about PA elections announced, but democracy a long way off
Criticism has mounted in recent months around the Israeli civic service program, a volunteering program aimed at individuals otherwise exempt from military service, which individuals say conditions their inalienable rights, such as equal access to education and the job market. Read more about Israel's discriminatory civil service program challenged
A huge Palestinian flag was carried up a steep hill in Issawiya on 3 December, passed hand-to-hand between the at least 200 Palestinians, Israelis and international activists taking part in the first-ever solidarity march and demonstration in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood. Read more about Defiant Jerusalem Palestinians say "we will remain here"
Earlier this year, “Mahmoud” came home to see a letter with his name on it, instructing him to come to the Russian Compound prison facility in Jerusalem. The 15-year-old Palestinian resident of the Silwan neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem went to the prison with his father, mother and aunt. He was interrogated for seven hours. Read more about Targeting Silwan's children
A bill recently proposed in Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, requires organizations to pledge loyalty to Israel as “Jewish and democratic.” The legislation continues threatens the existence of civil society organizations working for Palestinian rights within Israel. Read more about New Israeli laws threaten Palestinian civil society