Palestinian facing extradition takes refuge in Bulgaria embassy
21 December 2015
Omar Nayef Zayed fled Israeli custody in 1990. Read more about Palestinian facing extradition takes refuge in Bulgaria embassy
21 December 2015
Omar Nayef Zayed fled Israeli custody in 1990. Read more about Palestinian facing extradition takes refuge in Bulgaria embassy
Beirut 13 February 2015
Lina Khattab has been denied family visits since her arrest in December. Read more about Young dancer jailed by Israel for taking part in protest
Vancouver 7 March 2013
New alliance expresses solidarity with Idle No More movement of indigenous people. Read more about Canadian students challenge Harper's support for Israeli apartheid
4 April 2007
Dr. Sami Al-Arian, Palestinian political prisoner, is being held in a prison hospital, after a debilitating 60-day hunger strike seeking to draw the attention of the nation and the world to the injustice visited upon him, jailed for his commitment to justice and dignity for his homeland. This is not a scene from an Israeli jail, however, but from a U.S. prison in North Carolina. In a two-part series, Charlotte Kates examines how the unjustified detention of Dr. Al-Arian is the latest indication of a U.S. government policy of targeting Palestinian activists. (PART 1) Read more about Criminalizing Solidarity: Sami Al-Arian and the War of Terror (Part 1)
4 April 2007
Dr. Sami Al-Arian, Palestinian political prisoner, is being held in a prison hospital, after a debilitating 60-day hunger strike seeking to draw the attention of the nation and the world to the injustice visited upon him, jailed for his commitment to justice and dignity for his homeland. This is not a scene from an Israeli jail, however, but from a U.S. prison in North Carolina. In a two-part series, Charlotte Kates examines how the unjustified detention of Dr. Al-Arian is the latest indication of a U.S. government policy of targeting Palestinian activists. (PART 2) Read more about Criminalizing Solidarity: Sami Al-Arian and the War of Terror (Part 2)