Amnesty International

Amnesty International calls for a commission of inquiry into mass arbitrary detention of Palestinians

“More than 8,500 Palestinians have been arrested between 27 February and 20 May, many of them arbitrarily detained. These arrests and detentions were accompanied by a consistent pattern of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and sometimes torture,” Amnesty International said in a report released today. 

UN Secretary-General's report on Jenin underscores the need for a full inquiry

The UN Secretary-General’s report released today, which is consistent with many of Amnesty International’s findings, underscores the need for a thorough, on-the-spot investigative inquiry into the reports of grave human rights abuses that occurred in the context of the Israeli army incursions into Jenin and other cities last April. 

Forcibly transferring relatives of suspected Palestinian suicide bombers would violate international law

Early this morning Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) have arrested 21 male relatives of Palestinians suspected of having been involved in recent attacks against Israelis. The IDF threatens to transfer them from the West Bank to Gaza. “The forcible transfer of these people under these circumstances is collective punishment,” Amnesty International said. “We call on the Israeli government not to carry out such measures.” 

End collective punishment of Palestinians in Occupied Territories

One month after Israel reoccupied villages and towns in the West Bank more than 800,000 Palestinians still suffer the effects of prolonged curfews and closures. Israeli soldiers continue to carry out unlawful killings of Palestinians with impunity. Hundreds of Palestinians remain in detention, including in administrative detention without charge or trial, and destruction or damage to homes and property continues.