
Adalah demands that Euro-Med Youth Volunteers be granted entry to Israel

Today, Adalah submitted a petition to the Nazareth District Court on behalf of nine members of the European Voluntary Service (EVS) Program and Baladna - Association for Arab Youth, against the Ministry of Interior. In the petition, Adalah requested that the Ministry of Interior allow the nine volunteers to enter Israel and issue them new three-month tourist visas. Adalah also filed a motion for an immediate hearing in the case. 

Israeli military "assistance order" amounts to continued use of Palestinian civilians as human shields, say human rights organisations

On 27 February 2003, Adalah, on behalf of six human rights organizations and in its own name, submitted arguments to the Supreme Court of Israel challenging the Israeli army’s recent military “assistance order”. Human rights organizations are seeking to prohibit the Israeli army from using Palestinian civilians as human shields and as hostages. 

Supreme Court of Israel ruled to reject ban on Palestinian political parties

This morning, the Supreme Court of Israel ruled to reject three disqualification decisions issued by the Central Elections Committee (CEC). The Court approved the participation of the National Democratic Assembly (NDA), and reinstated the candidacies of MKs Azmi Bishara and Ahmad Tibi, for the upcoming Israeli elections. 

Supreme Court hearings today on appeal against NDA disqualification

Today, an 11-justice panel of the Supreme Court of Israel will hold hearings on an appeal against the decision of the Central Elections Committee (CEC) to disqualify the National Democratic Alliance from running in the Israeli elections. It will also hear concluding arguments submitted by Adalah challenging the CEC’s decision to ban MK Dr. Azmi Bishara, the head of the NDA list, from participating in the Knesset elections. 

Adalah files an appeal to the Supreme Court against the decision to disqualify Palestinian MK's

Tomorrow, January 5, Adalah files an appeal to the Supreme Court of Israel against the CEC’s decision to disqualify the National Democratic Alliance. The CEC’s decision to disqualify MKs Azmi Bishara and Ahmad Tibi as individual candidates requires the Supreme Court’s approval in order to be implemented. 

Israeli army continues to breach Supreme Court injunction prohibiting use of Palestinian civilians as human shields

Seven Israeli and Palestinian human rights organizations made a further submission to the Supreme Court in connection with their 5 May 2002 petition seeking to prohibit the Israeli army from using Palestinian civilians as human shields.