Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign 26 November 2006

Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign members ended a picket of an Atlantic Homecare store in Limerick after managers removed all Israeli products from the sales floor. (IPSC)
On Saturday 25th November the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) mounted a successful picket outside the entrance to the Limerick branch of the Atlantic Homecare chain store in Ireland. After refusing to move the picket when approached by security guards the protestors eventually agreed to call off their action after the store manger removed from sale all of the Israeli manufactured Keter Plastic products in the store. Within two hours of the commencing the action IPSC members witnessed pallet loads of the Israel made plastic storage boxes, wheelbarrows and garden sheds being taken off the sales floor. Some assembled garden sheds which were too large to shift right away had sales notices removed and replaced with Out Of Stock stickers. The store manager indicated that the items would remain off sale until management had an opportunity to discuss the matter further with the IPSC.
This latest success is part of the IPSC’s campaign calling for a comprehensive boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against the pariah Israeli state. It follows the publication last August of a letter by 61 Irish academics calling for a moratorium on EU aid to Israeli universities, until Israel abides by international law and basic human rights norms. In the run up the Christmas shopping spree the IPSC is stepping up its BDS campaign to increase public awareness about the sale of Israeli manufactured good in some Irish shops.
Sean Clinton is a member of the National Executive of the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign and is Coordinator of the Limerick Branch of the IPSC.
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