PCHR gets Temporary Injunction Stopping Seizure of Land in al-Qarara

On Monday evening, 28 June 2004, the Israeli High Court issued a temporary injunction stopping seizure of large areas of Palestinian land near a settler road in al-Qarara village, northeast of Khan Yunis, leading to Kissufim crossing on the eastern border of the Gaza Strip.

According to preliminary PCHR’s investigations, on 16 and 17 June 2004, a number of Palestinians living on the northern and southern sides of the aforementioned road received notices that their lands would be seized for military purposes according to a military order issued by the Israeli military commander in the Gaza Strip. These notices gave these Palestinians 7 days to appeal against the order.

PCHR had received a response from the military on 27 June 2004, which rejected the appeal. An appeal was submitted to the Israeli High Court on 28 June 2004. In response, the court issued a temporary injunction stopping the seizure of land, pending a final ruling in the case.

The area of the affected land is estimated at hundreds of donums,[1] which belong to several families, including al-Sumairi, Abu Haddaf, Abu Hajjaj and Abu ‘Aamer.

Since the beginning of May 2004, Israeli occupying forces have continued to construct a wall on both sides of the aforementioned road. For this purpose, they have seized large areas of Palestinian land.

PCHR, through its Legal Unit, is going to take all necessary legal steps to stop the seizure of Palestinian land by Israeli occupying forces. PCHR is extremely concerned at the policy of land confiscation and seizure adopted by Israeli occupying forces. The policy shows complete disregard for the impact on Palestinian civilians.

Taking into consideration similar precedents, PCHR is concerned that the final ruling by the Israeli High Court will favour the military. PCHR calls upon the international community to immediately intervene to ensure protection for Palestinian civilians and their properties.

1 donum is equal to 1000 square meters.

Related Links

  • Palestinian Centre for Human Rights