Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics 13 October 2004
35.7% persons aged 10 years and over use computer, 33.3% have access to the Internet, and 30.0% own a mobile phone
The Computer, Internet and Mobile Phone Survey is a random sample survey implemented in the period 20 July-24 August 2004. The sample size is 7,557 households, 4,992 households in the West Bank and 2,565 households in Gaza Strip.
Besides targeting the household as a single unit, the survey targeted persons aged 10 years and over, 6,779 households. 4,386 households in the West Bank and 2,393 households in Gaza Strip completed the interview. This survey aims to provide data on the computers, access to the Internet, mobile phone and mass media use.
Data showed that the percentage of household own computers amounted to 26.4% (28.4% in the West Bank and 22.5% in Gaza Strip). 29.5% of households state that the main reason for having a computer is to use for the teaching and study of family members (not children) while 27.2% for teaching family children. 78.7% of households do not own computers. The main reason for not having computer is the high cost and 42.3% report no family member is qualified to use a computer.
Also, the findings indicated that 35.7% persons aged 10 years and over use a computer. The findings indicated that “home” constitutes the most common setting for using computer 47.0%. Furthermore, 40.5% of the individuals in this age group who use the computer, normally use it for entertainment and recreational purposes, followed by 32.1% for study and educational purposes. The main time of using the computer is between 8:00AM and 3:00PM, according to 39.9% of users.
As for access to the Internet, the findings indicated that 9.2% of the Palestinian households in the Palestinian Territory has access to the Internet (9.8% in the West Bank and 7.8% in Gaza Strip). The findings indicated that 60.8% of households stated that the monthly cost of using the Internet at home is suitable, against 25.8% considering the cost too much.
As for access to the Internet among persons aged 10 years and over, the findings indicated that 33.3% of the persons of this age group have access to the Internet. This percentage considerably varies between Palestinian males and females, 40.7% and 23.7% respectively. Moreover, the findings of this survey indicated that “home” is the most common setting for internet use among persons aged 10 years and over at 38.4%. The findings revealed that 27.5% of persons of this age group normally use the Internet for knowledge purposes. and the main time for access to the Internet is between 3:00PM and 8:00PM, 39.2% of users.
As for having e-mail the findings indicated that almost 65.5% of persons aged 10 years and over have e-mail, 68.3% for males and 59.2% for females. Also, the findings indicated that for 93.9% of users, the purpose of use is personal mail.
Ownership and Use of Electronic Devices
The percentage of households own TV sets amounted to 93.4%; 94.6% in the West Bank and 91.2% in Gaza Strip, while the percentage of households own satellite dish in the Palestinian Territory is 69.5%; 69.0% in the West Bank and 70.5% in Gaza Strip.
Likewise, the findings indicated that 40.8% of Palestinian households in the Palestinian Territory have a fixed phone line. The findings also indicated that 72.8% of the Palestinian households include one member who possess a mobile phone, 77.6% in the West Bank and 64.1% in Gaza Strip. The findings also indicate that 30.0% of persons aged 10 years and over own a mobile phone, 34.6% in the West Bank and 21.7% in Gaza Strip.
Interest in Palestine TV
The findings indicated that 29.3% of the Palestinian households who have TV view Palestine TV on a daily basis, 21.6% in the West Bank and 45.1% in Gaza Strip, 49.3% view Palestine TV from time to time, 51.7% in the West Bank and 44.2% in Gaza Strip. Also, 21.4% of the Palestinian households who have TV do not view Palestine TV (26.7% in the West Bank and 10.7% in Gaza Strip). 68.7% do not view Palestine TV due to that they couldn’t receive the transmission signal.
Household Culture
The findings indicated that 27.5% of Palestinian households own a home library. The findings indicated that 25.1% of persons aged 10 years and over in the Palestinian Territory attend symposiums and public lectures, and 22.1% play sport. The findings indicated that 6.8% of persons aged 10 years and over in the Palestinian Territory are a member of a sports club.
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