International Federation for Human Rights 7 July 2006

The Middle East Quartet concluded on January 30 that it was inevitable that future assistance to any new government would be reviewed by donors. (UN Photo)
The International Federation of Human Rights Leagues (FIDH) on Friday condemned the scale of sanctions imposed on the Palestinians through the suspension of direct international aid. “In effect the Palestinian people have been subjected to economic sanctions — the first time that an occupied people have been so treated,” the FIDH said in a preliminary report following a two-week mission to the Palestinian territories. “Inevitably this economic strangulation has had a severe impact on the economic life of Palestinians and their human rights,” FIDH said.
Olivier De Schutter, FIDH general secretary, and Laurence Weerts conducted a Mission for the International Federation for Human Rights in Israel and in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) between 25 June and 2 July 2006.
The mission was set up in order to examine the situation of economic and social rights in Gaza and the West Bank, almost one year after Israel ‘disengaged’ from the Gaza strip and three months after Israel and the international community decided to suspend all contacts with the government of the Palestinian Authority and to interrupt all aid channelled to and via that government, following the taking into office a government led by the Hamas on 29 March 2006 after elections were held on 25 January 2006.
This note summarizes its preliminary conclusions.
To download the full report (PDF) click here.
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