The Electronic Intifada 2 May 2002

Camera: Arjan El Fassed & Annet Meeuws; Editing: Arjan El Fassed

Palestinian men, women and children waiting in the sun at Qalandia checkpoint (Photo: AEF, 2002)

Palestinian women on their way from Ramallah to Ram in front of Israeli soldier at Qalandia checkpoint (Photo: AEF, 2002)

Palestinian men, women and children waiting in line before crossing Qalandia checkpoint from Ramallah to ar-Ram (Photo: AEF, 2002)

Palestinian boys transporting a trolley full of CD’s from Ramallah to ar-Ram (Photo: AEF, 2002)

Palestinian men, women and children waiting in line to cross Qalandia checkpoint to Ramallah (Photo: AEF, 2002)
Related Links:
One afternoon at Kalandia checkpoint, MachsomWatch, 3 July 2002