European Commission 6 October 2005

In Brussels, the Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, commented: “We must not let the chance created by Gaza withdrawal slip through our fingers. As the biggest donor to the Palestinians, the EU is determined to pull its weight, in facing up to the new opportunities and challenges post-disengagement. The strategy I have presented today sets out the tasks we can undertake, and under what conditions such assistance can bear fruit. I hope that this approach will be endorsed by Member States so that we can maximise our impact together”.
She added: “Provided there is sufficient progress towards the Road Map, the Commission is ready to request the European Parliament and the Council to mobilise significant additional Community resources. We count on other donors to do likewise. Europe is ready to be a major partner for peace, as long as real efforts are made by all parties to create the climate for success”.
The strategy builds on the European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan agreed with the Palestinian Authority last year, but reflects new opportunities. It is to be hoped that the current situation post-disengagement will create the conditions in which the Palestinian economy can be relaunched, and the proposals in the Communication focus in detail on the need to support this aspect of preparations for Palestinian statehood, alongside its development the political administration.
The Communication identifies a number of other criteria that need to be fulfilled to justify further EU involvement, which is also contingent on progress being made in the 6 priority areas identified by the Quartet Special Envoy.[1]
The Communication also encourages practical trilateral initiatives between the European Union, Israel and the Palestinians building on recent successes in the areas of energy and transport.
Supporting elections, the judicial system and the rule of law
Continue support to the electoral process; assist Palestinian reform efforts in the judiciary; develop short-term strategy for consolidating the rule of law including the fight against corruption and organised crime.
Criteria for EU involvement: implementation of EU election observer mission recommendations; commitment by the Palestinian Authority (PA) to carry out reforms set down in ENP Action Plan.
Promoting the reform of the Palestinian Authority
Support efforts to modernise revenue administration; provide assistance for further development of financial control.
Urgent measures are needed to support Palestinian reforms of public administration across the whole civil service. The EU should help strengthen performance, through technical assistance and twinning projects (creation of close bond with European administrators to share best practice).
Criteria for EU involvement: strengthened accountability of public institutions, progress on restructuring Ministries.
Improving the conditions for trade and investment in the Palestinian economy
To be sustainable economically, the West Bank and Gaza need help to tackle a continuing strong dependence on the Israeli economy, and greater efforts are needed to diversify markets. The priorities are:
The development of bilateral and regional trade relations, through improved market access for Palestinian products; technical assistance; dialogue to overcome regulatory obstacles; and integration of the Palestinian economy into the region.
Practical trilateral initiatives between the European Union, Israel and the Palestinians building on recent successes in the areas of energy and transport.
Building up a customs administration through the secondment of experts and, if all parties agree, through the provision of a third party monitoring presence at the border.
Creation of an enabling environment for private sector investment, through support to PA to review legal framework; support to the private sector through possible support for vocational training, and microcredits, resumption of EIB activities in the Palestinian Territories.
Criteria for EU involvement: significant improvement in the security and access situation, and action on the six points identified by the Quartet envoy; Israeli guarantees on operation of land border crossings to the air and seaport.
Reconstruct the infrastructure of the West Bank and Gaza strip
The Commission has already set out its initial plans to support infrastructure reconstruction (IP/05/1159: European Commission to support the Palestinians with €280 million in 2005). A further comprehensive reconstruction plan will need to encompass transport, energy, water and waste management, rural development, rebuilding of institutions such as courthouses and security complexes.
Criteria for EU involvement: Movement and access restrictions for people and goods will have to be eased; coordination between donors necessary.
[1] Border crossings, West Bank/Gaza link, movement in the West Bank, air and sea port, houses in the settlements, and green houses.
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