The Association for Civil Rights in Israel 10 January 2007

Eight Israeli human rights organizations petition High Court of Justice: order is legal basis for targeted, systematic, institutional discrimination, amounting to apartheid. The organizations demand to abolish the order supposed to take effect on January 19.
The order issued by OC central command, Major General Yair Naveh, forbids Palestinians to travel with Israelis and internationals in their vehicles within the West Bank. The organizations are demanding the HCJ abolish the order and issue an interim order postponing the implementation of the order until it has ruled on the matter.
From the petition: “The order is a basis for a legal process of systematic, institutional discrimination. It is published from a context of deepening control of one nationality over the other and meets the criteria of the definition of apartheid.
The Order on Movement and Travel (Restriction of Travel in an Israeli Vehicle)” establishes an arrangement of requiring permits to travel with Palestinians.
Michael Sfard, Yesh Din`s legal advisor, representing the petitioners: “The order at hand is severe and enforces segregation on those who are not interested in separation. Civilian become active agents of discrimination. The “patent” of apartheid has already been tried and condemned by the world in South Africa. The implementation of such an order will legally and morally tarnish Israel and the IDF.”
The petition was submitted against the Minister of Defense, Amir Peretz and IDF OC Central Command, Yair Naveh and furthers the organizations` battle against the order. The preface of the appeal included the following statement: “The order at hand implements the principles of segregation via the law and the creation of criminal sanctions among two different nationalities which meet in the private sphere of their vehicles, without permit from the authorities … […] Out of all the red lines we have crossed, the petitioners believe that the order on “traffic and transportation” carries within it grave seeds of evil as it orders civilians to become active agents of discrimination; and as it so crudely penetrates the private domain; and particularly because of its leaning towards tarnishing social, professional, political and personal relations and to enforce the `separation` even on those who may not be seeking it.”
The petitioning organizations: Yesh Din, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, Gisha, the Public Committee against Torture in Israel, the Center for Defense of the Individual, Machsom Watch and Physicians for Human Rights.
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