Day 222 roundtable: Resistance everywhere

On 15 May 2024, Nakba Day, resistance to Zionism is being waged all over Palestine and all around the world, but nowhere more intensely than in Gaza.

We were joined by British Palestinian surgeon Dr. Khaled Dawas who has traveled to Gaza with Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) to provide essential medical care at al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir al-Balah. His first visit in January was followed by a second trip just three months later.

Jump to Dr. Khaled Dawas’ segment here.

Jon Elmer covered the fierce fighting in Rafah, Gaza City and Jabaliya and broke down the combat videos that continue to demonstrate the capacity of the resistance to defend Gaza more than six months into the ground war.

Jump to Jon Elmer’s segment here.

Jon, Ali, Asa Winstanley and I discussed Hizballah leader Hasan Nasrallah’s recent speech and explained why Israel has lost the war.

Jump to the group discussion here.

And I began the show with a news report, focusing on the re-invasion of northern Gaza.

Jump to the news segment here.

These are just some of the many topics we cover on The Electronic Intifada livestream. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

With Ali Abunimah, Nora Barrows-Friedman, Jon Elmer, Tamara Nassar and Asa Winstanley


Nora Barrows-Friedman

Nora Barrows-Friedman's picture

Nora Barrows-Friedman is a staff writer and associate editor at The Electronic Intifada, and is the author of In Our Power: US Students Organize for Justice in Palestine (Just World Books, 2014).