Jaime Omar Yassin’s blog

Two Kinds of Non-Violence

Violence has always been a useful term for governments and their allied establishment figures in media and punditry. Key to that utility is a very specialized use of the term as a descriptor for actions that don’t originate with the establishment or authorities. Police, armies, presidents and city administrators do not engage in violence. They use strategies, protocols, plans of action, deployments, operations and strikes. The people that are injured and die in those acts are not actively killed by violence. Rather, they suffer only in the passive voice. 

Dire Consequences for Backing the US State Department's Consensus on the Two State Solution

Nicolas Kristof, the venerable New York Times columnist and champion of foreign policy liberalism, wrote a pretty middling article a couple of days ago, called “Is Israel its Own Worst Enemy?” Kristof has a sort of Groundhog Day dynamic with the Palestine-Israel conflict; every once in a while, he wakes up and rattles off an anguished column, mourning the radicals on both sides that make “pe 

Leaving the Shore: Reflections on a Night with Alice Walker, Ali Abunimah and Historic Occupy Wall Street Protests

I had to admit, it was hard to shift gears for the Alice Walker/Ali Abunimah talk yesterday. Just a few hours earlier, the Occupy Wall Street protests were hitting their apogee, where I’m told some 15 to 50 thousand people took to the streets in numbers so great that they swelled at the seams and burst into the streets at times, challenging the right of the city and police to control popular expression. 

Jaime Omar Yassin has been involved in alternative media for nearly twenty years, and believes that popular participation in the creation and interpretation of news is crucial to substantive and lasting change. He’s worked with Paper Tiger Television, Manhattan Neighborhood Network, written for Extra! and other independent magazines, published fiction and non-fiction and maintained his own blog—Hyphenated Republic—for the last seven years. He is a product of two diasporas, living in a nation that tends to collect them. He tries to do right by all three.



