Media Watch 9 January 2014

Ariel Sharon authorized the construction of Israel’s apartheid wall.
APA imagesIf it wasn’t for a brief encounter with Ariel Sharon, I may never have become a Palestine solidarity activist.
It was towards the end of 2001. I was among a number of reporters accompanying a European Union “peace mission” to the Middle East. On a Sunday afternoon, we waited for Sharon, then Israel’s prime minister, to give a press conference in Jerusalem’s King David Hotel.
When Sharon eventually appeared, I was struck by how venomous he was. My memory has — naturally enough — faded a little in the interim. But I’m fairly sure that there was a smirk on his face as he spoke of how Palestinians sometimes blew themselves up.
The gist of his lengthy monologue was that all resistance to the Israeli occupation amounted to “terrorism.” He seemed to be rejoicing in Palestinian suffering.
At the time, I wasn’t properly informed about how the West mollycoddled Israel. In my naivety, I was impressed that EU leaders did not appear intimidated by Sharon.
There was some tension between Israel and Belgium, which held the Union’s rotating presidency. Sharon was being sued in Brussels for his role in the Sabra and Shatila massacre that took place in Lebanon in 1982 (when he was Israel’s defense minister).
Quizzed by Israeli journalists, Belgium’s then prime minister Guy Verhofstadt insisted that his country was a democracy, where the justice system was free from political interference. The following day — during a turbulent flight on the Belgian government jet — Verhofstadt briefed us about how Sharon had called him to a meeting that Sunday evening. To break the ice, Verhofstadt had joked with Sharon about how prison conditions in Belgium were improving.
It was only later that I realized that Verhofstadt was a really a pushover. Although a public prosecutor had accepted that the case against Sharon could go ahead, Verhofstadt’s government intervened in 2003 to scuttle the proceedings.
The “universal jurisdiction” law under which the case was taken was watered down at Israel’s behest. So much for Belgian “democracy.”
Of course, I can’t claim to understand how Sharon’s mind worked from having once been in the same room as him. But I have studied his record in reasonable depth more recently. And I feel that I have learned enough to know that the articles now proliferating in the media about Sharon coveting peace are a travesty.
In a blog post for The Jerusalem Post, Eric Yoffie argued that Sharon was “the ultimate realist” as prime minister. “In order to assure Israel’s future as a Jewish state, he dismantled Jewish settlements and ended the occupation of 1.3 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip,” Yoffie added.
Only the first part of that sentence reflects the truth. Sharon did indeed strive to preserve Israel as a state where Jews have more rights than everyone else living there; the correct term for that system is “apartheid.”
Yet withdrawing Israeli settlers from Gaza in 2005 was not tantamount to ending the occupation there. Israel still controls Gaza’s air and sea borders. The “disengagement” paved the way for a siege and attacks on Gaza that have been enthusiastically supported by Sharon’s protégés such as Tzipi Livni.
Similar lies are being repeated elsewhere. Associated Press has reported that Sharon “directed a unilateral withdrawal of Israeli troops and settlers from the Gaza Strip, ending 38 years of military control of the territory.”
In The Guardian, Jonathan Freedland writes that Sharon was “acknowledging the truth that lay buried beneath the soil” through his “intriguing habit” of referring to places in present-day Israel with their original Arab names. According to Freedland, Sharon’s “final mission” could have been to close the wounds left by the Nakba, the forced displacement of Palestinians ahead of Israel’s foundation in 1948.
Speculating about what Sharon might have done had a stroke not ended his political career in 2006 is, in my view, pointless. And besides, nobody has yet produced credible evidence that he was on the cusp of delivering justice to the Palestinians.
What can be said with certainty is that he displayed immense cruelty both as a soldier and as a politician.
For a guide to just how cruel he was, I’d recommend Baruch Kimmerling’s book Politicide. It recalls that when Sharon was a military general, he launched a brutal operation in Gaza in August 1970. Thousands of homes were demolished and swathes of citrus groves were destroyed; orders were given to kill — without trial — any Palestinian suspected of involvement in resistance.
Sharon’s penchant for war crimes continued during his stint as prime minister. Operation Defensive Shield involved the destruction of schools, universities, clinics, mosques and churches in the occupied West Bank during 2002. An estimated 4,000 people were left homeless because of the sustained shelling of Jenin refugee camp.
Sharon kept on exulting in the loss of life. Eight Palestinian children and nine other adults were killed in a bomb attack on the leading Hamas member Salah Shehadeh in 2002. Sharon praised the operation as “one of our greatest successes.”
To those who still think that Sharon really was readying himself for a historic compromise, I say two words: “the wall.” It was he who approved the construction of that monstrosity which was explicitly designed to strengthen Israel’s grip on the West Bank.
I don’t believe in taking pleasure from anyone’s pain or ill-health, even when the person in question is a mass-murderer like Ariel Sharon. So I have no plans to celebrate his death, whenever it comes. Like many others, I’ll be too busy working to destroy the wretched system of apartheid that he helped to build.
- Ariel Sharon
- European Union
- Jerusalem
- Sabra and Shatila
- Lebanon
- Guy Verhofstadt
- Belgium
- universal jurisdiction
- The Jerusalem Post
- Eric Yoffie
- Gaza
- apartheid
- Tzipi Livni
- Associated Press
- The Guardian
- Jonathan Freedland
- Nakba
- Baruch Kimmerling
- Operation Defensive Shield
- Jenin refugee camp
- Hamas
- Salah Shehadeh
- Israel's wall in West Bank
Ariel Sharon
Permalink paul mcgoldrick replied on
Remember leaving school in the late '80's and going on a bit of a wander ..working in the UK met lots of 'wanderers' who were recommending working in a Kibbutz as the next move ... looked into it but it never happened ...ended up in Cork in 1990 working for a charity and met people who had come back from the Kibbutz experience very angry about what they had experienced in Palestine ... all negative... and all about the arrogance, intolerance and cruelty they had witnessed . That sparked my interest in the Levant loads ...never forget my stomach churning as I read the accounts of Sabra and Shatila .... that man is a monster and unfortunately he is not alone out there ... for an understandable summation of the region 'The Great War For Civilisation' by Robert Fisk should be part of the school curriculum in all Western countries .....keep up the good work David!!
Scharon, responsible for uncounted crimes,
Permalink Donatus replied on
yes, but we must not forget that this criminal political leader had by his side the late Yitzak Rabin, originator of the order to break the bones of Palestinians, on the checkpoints. The lesson? Not only known hardliners like Ariel Sharon should be pointed on but also seemingly 'more liberal' women and men like the later Nobel Peace Prize laureate Rabin are or were criminals.
Impending Demise of Ariel Sharon
Permalink Logan replied on
To paraphrase the poet, Edgar Guest, the snake nesting in Ariel Sharon's skull is finally killing this evil man.
Ariel Sharon - israeli terrorist
Permalink Max Windsor replied on
Ariel Sharon - israeli terrorist - Delighted this inhumane Arab killer is finally dead...
Ariel Sharon
Permalink Tess Morand replied on
Thank you for your articles, always so informative and to the point, and for your constant courage.
Ariel Sharon is one of a long line of monsters who have ruled the Israeli state and brainwashed most of its jewish inhabitants since its inception, with notable exceptions such as Illan Pappe and others of his ilk, thank God for them and for journalists like you.
never before seen - Sharon took directives from the rebbe in NY
Permalink Ahmed replied on
Ariel Sharon took directives from the leader of the Chabad Lubavitch hasidic group in Brooklyn, New York. A must watch!
Alert Sharon, hasbara in full action
Permalink Dino Barberini replied on
Israeli Hasbara is building a monument to the zionism with Sharon through the global media. We'll see school trips organized by Israeli tour operatorsr from over the world to visit the grave of the hero, of the right and peaceful man, of the great son of the great Israel.They have to be stopped. Let's organize a global tweetter storm against the global media.
Let's act.
Ariel Sharon
Permalink bella august replied on
Horrified but not surprised by the New York Times scrubbing of the war crimes and brutality of Sharon its obituary yesterday. Horrified also that they assigned the task to a writer whose assignment as head of their bureau in Israel had received numerous objections because his son was serving in the IDF at the same time! Even the Public Editor recommended they change the assignment, at least for the sake of appearances, but was ignored. Never forget Sabra and Chatila!