Palestinian child says he was raped by Israeli interrogator
19 February 2021
Sexual violence and threats against detainees have been documented for years.
19 February 2021
Sexual violence and threats against detainees have been documented for years.
18 February 2021
Role of weapons makers in destroying Gaza gets magicked away by Brussels officials.
17 February 2021
Daily violence by occupation forces and settlers aims to drive Palestinians off their land.
16 February 2021
Collective punishment measures undercut Palestinian COVID-19 efforts.
15 February 2021
Statistics belie Israel lobby efforts to blame BDS, Muslims.
11 February 2021
Canada is escalating its assault on human rights.
10 February 2021
Eitan Ze’ev awarded “certificate of appreciation” after wounding farmers.
10 February 2021
Falic family of settlement funders is to co-chair the Shmuley Boteach event.
9 February 2021
Palestinians demand an immediate investigation that could lead to trials.
7 February 2021
Key documents withheld from lawyers ahead of court hearing.