Lockheed Martin: proud to kill Palestinians?
25 May 2012
Why I confronted a senior Lockheed figure over his firm’s role in arming Israel.
25 May 2012
Why I confronted a senior Lockheed figure over his firm’s role in arming Israel.
24 May 2012
The father of Mahmoud Sarsak, a member of the Palestinian national football team jailed without charge or trial by Israel for almost three years, has called on the sporting world to speak out for his son who remains on hunger strike. Meanwhile Israel already violating deal that ended mass hunger strike.
21 May 2012
Video shows Israeli settlers attacking Palestinians with stones, live fire and setting fire to fields as Israeli occupation forces guard the settlers. One Palestinian was shot in the head.
15 May 2012
Details of the Israeli concessions that ended an historic 28-day mass hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, and the more than two-month hunger strikes of several prisoners, emerged today.
10 May 2012
Thaer Halahleh has been told he “could die any moment,” by an Israeli prison doctor, as the gravely ill Palestinian who is held without charge or trial by Israel, completed his 73rd day of hunger strike.
8 May 2012
Israeli forces raided Stop the Wall’s Ramallah offices, stealing laptops, hard drives and memory cards related to the organization’s human rights advocacy work.
8 May 2012
Thaer Halahleh and Bilal Diab, on their 71st day of hunger strike, are at immediate risk of death after Israel’s top court rejects a petition challenging their administrative detention orders.
7 May 2012
Despite rejecting an appeal from two Palestinian hunger strikers, Israel’s supreme court appeared to send a signal that Israeli authorities should not let the men die in custody.
4 May 2012
Amnesty International today issued a call for Urgent Action from individuals around the world to contact Israeli authorities about Bilal Diab and Thaer Halahleh, two Palestinians men who are at immediate risk of death on their 67th day of hunger strike.
4 May 2012
Twenty-five organizations from around the globe have added their voices to the call to free Ameer Makhoul.