Israel refuses to investigate torture of 16-year-old
21 June 2013
Mohammad Halabiyeh was beaten with an iron bar while police brought him to hospital.
21 June 2013
Mohammad Halabiyeh was beaten with an iron bar while police brought him to hospital.
20 June 2013
Alex’s brother Sami Odeh this month passed away after a long illness, but never lost hope the killers would be extradited by Israel and caught.
12 June 2013
A federal court allows lawsuit filed by CAIR that alleges institutional targeting of Muslims at US borders.
10 June 2013
Palestinians receive inferior service to Jews in town set to benefit from Jewish National Fund scheme.
1 June 2013
This shocking incident came to light just days after it emerged that another Israeli facility, the theme park Superland, segregates Jewish and Arab students on separate days.
31 May 2013
The Dutch chief prosecutor has sent a clear signal to the shareholders and directors of Dutch companies that they can be held liable – and even be criminally prosecuted – for their involvement in Israel’s violations of international law.
28 May 2013
There is nothing complex about Bradley Manning’s case, so why is the world’s best known human rights group not demanding his release?
20 May 2013
Barack Obama has maintained silence over Israel’s 2009 killing of Furkan Doğan on the Gaza-bound Mavi Marmara.
8 May 2013
A ludicrous Israeli army graphic on Palestinian “terror” included stone-throwing. A remixed version documents just how much real terror — by Israel — Palestinians face.
2 May 2013
Boy wails with fright as he is dragged away by heavily armed soldiers.