Israel jails Druze conscientious objector for the sixth time
31 March 2014
“I will refuse to serve in the army even if I’m jailed sixty times,” says 18-year-old Omar Saad.
31 March 2014
“I will refuse to serve in the army even if I’m jailed sixty times,” says 18-year-old Omar Saad.
30 March 2014
“One truth is that there is no Zionism, no settlement, no Jewish state without evacuation of the Arabs and confiscation and enclosure of their land.”
30 March 2014
Every 30 March Palestinians commemorate the 1976 expropriation by Israel of vast tracts of land in the Galilee and the killing of six protestors.
21 March 2014
Testimonies collected by Palestinian and Israeli human rights groups suggest Israeli interrogators have threatened Palestinian kids with sexual violence.
12 March 2014
Brussels officials are refusing to investigate why they approved a subsidy to a freight company bringing food from illegal colonies to Europe’s supermarkets.
12 March 2014
A new survey of Dutch pension funds, banks and insurance companies shows that as many as one in seven have excluded companies from investment due to their involvement in the Israeli occupation.
11 March 2014
Desalination could help Israel to continue evading its obligations under international law.
6 March 2014
New UN statistics render Israeli politician’s annexation plan impossible.
4 March 2014
Samir Awad, 16, was ambushed and killed by heavily-armed Israeli occupation soldiers.
3 March 2014
Israeli forces detained and violently abused a 16-year-old Palestinian child, and nine children were arrested in one incident in January.