Israel pays for junket by British MPs
20 September 2011
Register of interest shows Conservatives accept free trip from Israel’s foreign ministry.
20 September 2011
Register of interest shows Conservatives accept free trip from Israel’s foreign ministry.
16 September 2011
The board of the Museum of Children’s Art has prioritized giving into intimidation by the Israeli lobby over freedom of expression of children in Palestine who suffer under the effects of Israeli policy.
30 August 2011
Samuel Ghiles-Meilhac shows how a broad church has defined itself narrowly as a supporter of Israel’s worst excesses.
23 August 2011
Luke Akehurst won awards for representing weapons makers; now he’s joining top Zionist outfit.
22 August 2011
Michael Herzog hired as military expert for leading pro-Israel outfit despite being under investigation for war crimes.
19 August 2011
The deceptive game played by ex-British MP Lorna Fitzsimons and her war criminal chum.
11 August 2011
I don’t envy the 81 members of the US Congress who are on an expenses-paid trip to Israel this week. Having to listen to Zionist claptrap throughout the junket’s packed schedule is not my idea of a fun vacation.
20 July 2011
A new video from NGO Monitor promotes a project to expose the network of funding behind the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.
24 June 2011
What is the best way to smear Palestinians and Palestine solidarity activists and get away with it? The head of a prominent Israel lobby group reveals his list of dirty tricks.
9 June 2011
A UK legislator who has introduced an ‘anti-Sharia’ bill into the UK parliament supposedly in the name of equality is co-president of an Israeli organization that favors expulsion of Palestinians, denies the Nakba, and espouses extreme anti-Muslim views.